Best Amazon EKS Starter: Docker on AWS EKS with Kubernetes [Udemy] Free Download

Udemy Amazon eks starter: docker on aws eks with kubernetes free download. This is the kubernetes hands-on – deploy microservices to the aws cloud free download for students. Follow these guide so that you can pass your exams successfully.

Getting Started with Amazon EKS | Managed Kubernetes. Setup Kubernetes cluster managed by Amazon EKS and deploy a sample application. Amazon EKS, EC2, Elastic Load Balancing, kubectl. Start Building. Deploy a Kubernetes Application with Amazon EKS. Website: aws-quickstart/quickstart-amazon-eks: Amazon EKS course content at Udemy, GitHub, Coursera, Amazon, Medium.

Amazon EKS Starter: Docker on AWS EKS with Kubernetes

Deploy Docker Containers on Kubernetes on AWS EKS & Fargate: Kubernetes Stateful & Stateless apps using ELB, EBS & EFS. Bestseller Rating: 4.4 out of 5. 4.4 (1,708 ratings). This course currently has 15,473 students. Created by Stephane Maarek. AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer Associate, Gerd Koenig.

This course was last updated 2/2021. Language: English

What you’ll learn

  • Deploy an EKS cluster using CloudFormation
  • Scale your Kubernetes cluster
  • Setup kubectl properly to access your cluster
  • Setup administration using the Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Deploy a stateless application on EKS and expose it with a public Elastic Load Balancer
  • Next: Deploy a stateful application on EKS and bind it with EBS volumes
  • Deploy a stateful application (such as WordPress) with EFS network drives
  • Use the AWS CLI & eksctl CLI
  • Learn how to use Fargate on EKS


  • First, Basic knowledge of Kubernetes is mandatory: API Server, Kubelet, Master & Worker Node, Pods, Deployments, Services, Networking within Kubernetes
  • Basic knowledge of AWS is mandatory: VPC, Subnets, IAM, EC2, EBS, Load Balancers, Security Groups
  • Basic knowledge of Linux & shell is mandatory


[Jan 2021 Update]: Added 3 lectures on setting up and using AWS Fargate on EKS. Happy learning! Udemy. Amazon.

[2022 Update]: Added lectures on setting up EKS using eksctl, IAM users’ RBAC permissions, cluster autoscaler, Prometheus and Grafana monitoring, and Cloudwatch integration for control plane logging and analysis of container insights. Happy apprenticeship!

It is painful to deploy and manage Kubernetes yourself on every cloud provider… But now the maintenance of the Kubernetes control aircraft with Amazon EKS is entirely managed by AWS. You’re going to have more time and fun deploying your own apps the same way you’ve known native Kubernetes all along, on the cloud provider you love… AWS!-AWS!

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Have you learned Kubernetes before but never got the chance to properly try out Amazon EKS? This course is for you!

In this course, we are going to explore the features and setup of Amazon EKS alongside many hands-on lectures.

In over 4 hours, you will learn:

  • 1. how to deploy your EKS cluster using CloudFormation
  • 2. how to scale your Kubernetes cluster
  • 3. how to setup kubectl properly to access your cluster
  • 4. how EKS works under the hood and its integrations with AWS
  • 5. how to setup administration using the Kubernetes Dashboard
  • 6. how to deploy a stateless application on EKS and expose it with a public Elastic Load Balancer
  • 7. how to deploy a stateful application on EKS and bind it with EBS volumes
  • 8. how to deploy a stateful application (such as WordPress) with EFS network drives
  • 9. manage your Kubernetes cluster using the AWS CLI and eksctl CLI


In this course, we do not cover the basics of Kubernetes or AWS, and focus solely on the usage of Amazon EKS.

You need to know

  • Kubernetes: Namespaces, Services, Deployments, Volume Claim
  • AWS: VPC, Subnets, IAM, EC2, EBS, Load Balancers, Security Groups
  • Linux: familiarity with Linux and Shell

And then you can confidently take this course!


The lead hands-on mentor in this course is Gerd Koenig. He likes Kubernetes and is delighted at Kubernetes’ ease of use on AWS. He’s going to take you through all of the hands-on and deploy with you some apps!

The lead theory mentor for this course is Stephane Maarek. He is an Architect of AWS Accredited Solutions and the author of Udemy’s highly-rated AWS courses. He has educated 200,000+ students now and has earned 60,000+ ratings.

On the forum, the teachers share all their AWS expertise, taking the time to illustrate every idea and offer both theoretical and functional aspects to students. In safe hands, you are!

This Course Also Comes With:

  • Lifetime Access to All Future Updates
  • A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section
  • Full downloadable code to reproduce the hands-on on your machine
  • Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download
  • A 30 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!

This is the course that could change how you use Kubernetes in the AWS Cloud. 

On AWS EKS, studying and having hands-on helps you develop your job chances and helps to maximise your salary. A job commitment is an investment in yourself. And don’t procrastinate. There is no moment to take control of your future like the present. Taking your profession by studying AWS EKS today to the next level!

Take the course now, completely risk free !

Who this course is for:

  • AWS architects, who want to get ready for using Kubernetes on AWS
  • Kubernetes users, who are curious how Kubernetes on AWS works
  • Everyone who is interested in Kubernetes, AWS and how to use those services

Featured review

Sayandip Kundu: It doesn’t spend any time on the fundamentals, because Kubernetes should already have good understanding of its intended audience. It jumps straight into the important items that are worth paying for and shows the ideas in a manner that is useful in understanding & recalling.

Course content

14 sections • 53 lectures • 5h 30m total length. Expand all sections

  • Course Introduction2 lectures • 9min
  • Code Download1 lecture • 1min
  • Setup an AWS EKS cluster with eksctl6 lectures • 30min
  • AWS EKS operations using eksctl6 lectures • 53min
  • Helm Package Manager on EKS1 lecture • 6min
  • Managing Users & RBAC in EKS2 lectures • 19min
  • EKS in depth5 lectures • 18min
  • 1. Deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard4 lectures • 18min
  • 2. Deploy a stateless sample app5 lectures • 43min
  • 3. Deploy a stateful app – using Amazon EBS8 lectures • 55min
  • 4. Deploy a stateful app – using Amazon EFS5 lectures • 38min
  • Monitoring Solution on EKS: Prometheus and Grafana2 lectures • 11min
  • Fargate on EKS3 lectures • 28min
  • Next Steps3 lectures • 3min


Stephane Maarek | AWS Certified Solutions Architect & Developer Associate

Best Selling Instructor, Kafka Guru, 9x AWS Certified

Stephane is an engineer, analyst and software developer of applications who has a keen interest in all Big Data, Cloud & API related stuff. He is also a best-selling Udemy coach with his Apache Kafka and AWS courses on many occasions.

[See FAQ below to see in which order you can take my courses]

Stéphane is known as an AWS Hero and is an Architect Expert & AWS Accredited DevOps Professional with AWS Certified Solutions. First of all, he likes showing people how to correctly use the AWS, to train them for their AWS certifications, and, most importantly, for the real world.

Secondly, he likes Apache Kafka as well. Thirdly, he is on the Kafka Summit’s 2019 Program Committee in New York, London and San Francisco. Fourthly, he is also an active member of the culture of Apache Kafka, authoring Medium posts and Confluent’s guest blog. Lastly, he loves cooking, doing yoga, sailing, watching TV shows, and travelling to wonderful destinations during his free time!

FAQ: In which order should you learn?…

AWS Cloud: Begin with the Architect Associate of AWS Certified Solutions, then move on to the AWS Certified Developer Associate and AWS Certified SysOps Administrator. You can either do either AWS Certified Solutions Architect Specialist or AWS Certified DevOps Professional, or you can opt to do a speciality certification. You can study AWS Lambda and AWS CloudFormation in detail until you’re able, or do the certification for AWS Big Data.

Apache Kafka: Start with Apache Kafka for Beginners, then if you’re a developer, you can learn Link, Streams and Schema Registry and, if you’re an admin, Setup and Monitoring courses. In order to pass the Confluent Kafka qualification, both tracks are required.

gRPC: First do the protocol buffers course, then move on to gRPC Java or gRPC Golang course.

In order to share knowledge I am not able to respond to private messages on Udemy. If you’re a student, please ask questions inside the course. Thanks for understanding!

Gerd Koenig – DevOps/Kafka/BigData/K8s/Cloud Practitioner

Experienced in developing and running both on-premise and cloud Kafka-, Hadoop-Clusters, “enterprise-ready” incl. Security . Security .

Ops and Cloud Architectures

Community-oriented and a CNCF fan of all Containers & their orchestration material. K8s and instrumentation around

Several years of BigData consulting expertise through several organisations and lots of production installations. Container-Orchestration architecture/planning/setup and management, as well as many kinds of clusters, Kafka and/or many Hadoop distribution HDP/HDF/CDH software.

Authentication, Permission, Cryptography, Protecting Hadoop Clusters through Kerberos.


Souvik Das: A fine course, definitely. It is also a bit of an advanced course. For such good examples, I thank Gerd Koenig and Stephane Maarek. They clarified complicated subjects, such as Stateful Sets and EBS, in a fantastic manner. A very worthwhile course, and I believe it is very much industry-specific. This will benefit anyone in the AWS Cloud domain who wishes to practise their occupation.

Just a tiny request. It would be nice to have the PPT and the transcript along with the whole material as well. For the future, it helps to hold records and thoughts.

Valentin Forst: Hey Stephane & Gerd, many thanks for this amazing course ! I appreciated it your work very much! Keep on doing the great job… Regards, Valentin.

Krushndevsinh Jadeja: The course was pretty much descriptive for a beginner as well as a professional who’s brushing up the skills. I’ve learned and gained quite a good handle over AWS EKS by playing around with it. Thank you, instructors. Keep up the good work.

Kyle Atendido: The course is a great for EKS starters and beginners. However, there are videos in the WordPress Creation using Amazon EFS that are already deprecated or not working. I hope that the instructors will be able to update it since it does not work anymore.

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Hassan Bari Salimi: I am new to Amazon EKS starter. Stephane and Gerd are the best instructors. They teach you so much in so little time. All their courses are the best. Thank you guys.

Mallikarjuna Reddy R: Voice is not clear and also transcript and ppt is not there. Very boring and tough to understand.

Kyu Park: Some tutorials and codes are seriously need to be updated. But I can’t deny the fact that this lecture helped me to understand what EKS is and how to use it.

Sachin Verma: The course is not revised and the CSI driver should have been introduced for the new practise and improvements. It would have given us a little better understanding to add some chaos checking for Statefulset with EBS and Statefulset with EFS. It is nice to set up the cluster with eksctl, but at the same time it has abstracted cluster creation data, little more detail on that front would make it easier to add more information on external providers and common third-party plugins that we can use with the cluster would probably help.

Register Courses for this Year

Assaf Cohen: I’m a fan of the courses at Stephane, but this course is just not up to what I’m used to. i got new information on Amazon EKS starter.

I learned in advance that this course will NOT teach me kubernetes, which is good, but the whole course is packed with obsolete knowledge, faulty directions, no attention to the question posed and down right ignoring some of the best practises on the market today (i.e – proper use of Helm, IAC via CFN, etc..). Amazon EKS starter.

I recognise that AWS is going rapidly and things are getting obsolete, but there is no excuse to just abandon this stuff like this. Attach messages, pop-ups, reminders, something, anything!

I spent more time troubleshooting this course than the time I spent on the course itself.

Ytalo Borja Mori: It was really good the content, and show in a good way to understand EKS works. The introduction to Fargate was really good, and I think it was awesome.

Anonymized User:

I was struggling to run my pods and services in AWS. After taking this course, I am able to run it now with no time in AWS and able to access the services with ELB. Thank You.

Tony Webber: It was a great course with easy to understand instructions. I would add additional examples of hosting applications on the clusters.

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