Microsoft Cloud Services Improve the Quality of Life in China

Microsoft Zhang Yaqin: Cloud services improve the quality of life. On May 22 this year, Microsoft held the “WindowsAzure Cloud Speed ​​Future” conference in Shanghai.

At the press conference, Microsoft announced that the Microsoft Windows Azure cloud service operated by Shanghai 21Vianet was officially opened to the Chinese market.

This is a milestone event for Microsoft and Shanghai 21Vianet. For users in the Chinese market, from now on, they can access Microsoft’s public cloud services.

At the “WindowsAzure Cloud Speed ​​Future” press conference, Renren Chairman and Executive Officer Chen Yizhou and Microsoft Vice President and Microsoft Asia Pacific R&D Group Chairman Zhang Yaqin also shared their real experience of cloud computing.

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Zhang Yaqin first stated that with the support of cloud services in his life, first of all, the quality of life has been greatly improved. Out of the 24 hours a day, 15 hours are using smartphones, and the other few hours are using Microsoft’s own tablet computer Surface.

Regarding the security and reliability issues raised by some users about cloud services, Zhang Yaqin said that Microsoft has invested heavily in security, effectiveness, and also reliability.

Zhang Yaqin took the business card service launched by Renren as an example. For example, everyone’s business cards can be stored in two different places. Finally, the two local data centers are at least 500 miles apart, and now there are 1,200 kilometers in Beijing and Shanghai. Read more: China’s Cloud Computing Industry is still in Overheating Period.

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