Opportunities & Challenges of Cloud Computing in Traditional Industries

Let us Analyze the opportunities and challenges that cloud computing brings to traditional industries. From the PC , the Internet to the surging cloud computing, every wave of IT revolution has brought a transformative impact on the industry. Since cloud computing was proposed by Google in 2007, due to its outstanding characteristics of highly shared resources, on-demand access, and rapid deployment, cloud computing has begun to enter the real “cloudification” from the concept of “clouds in the fog”. The landing stage of “for the rain”.

At this stage, my country’s cloud computing industry has passed the market preparation period and is entering the market introduction and growth period. It is expected that in the next three to five years, the market size of cloud computing is expected to exceed 10 million dollar, and some countries’s cloud computing market is expected to become global growth.

Kuaihe is one of the emerging markets with the largest market share. The rise of cloud computing technology has not only brought opportunities such as technical support to traditional industries, but also brought some challenges. The following is an analysis of several key areas:

Education Industry

At present, education informatization in our country has gone through more than 10 years. The achievements of educational informatization construction such as ” School-School Interconnection” and “Network Distance Education” have also played an important role in promoting education reform, but it also faces many problems: 1. It is that teaching resources cannot be shared.

The excellent teaching resources between different departments of the school cannot be used effectively. Due to the barriers between the institutions, the high-quality teaching resources are not open to other universities and the society, and the resource utilization rate is low; the second is the high maintenance and management of infrastructure. The repeated construction of school infrastructure requires large investment in human and material resources, high costs, and serious waste; third, the teaching methods are outdated, lack of innovation, and there is little interaction between teachers and students, and teachers cannot control students’ learning.

Faced with these problems, only the introduction of cloud computing technology can realize the sharing of educational resources, the optimization of educational infrastructure, scientific research support, the reform of teaching methods, educational management support, and the establishment of a shared cloud platform to achieve resource sharing, interconnection, and avoid IT infrastructure Repeated construction to reduce financial pressure.

For example, Huawei has created an education cloud platform for several middle schools. The education cloud platform closely unites multimedia classrooms, library information centers, teacher office buildings and other places, and replaces existing desktop computers with desktop clouds , and supports windows based operating systems Daily teaching and reading requirements.

However, the implementation of educational cloud system construction, educational cloud standards are not uniform, and data security risks are still obvious. Therefore, if you want to popularize education cloud, you should start with the following points: First, establish information awareness and actively invest in education cloud The second is government support and increased capital investment; the third is to choose different education cloud platforms and applications according to different educational institutions; the fourth is to build an education cloud in a steady, gradual, and orderly manner. In this way, the education industry can move from informatization to intelligence, and gradually form smart education.

Medical Industry

In the national “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, medical informatization is promoted to a new strategic height. With the promotion of the national “new medical reform” policy, people’s demand for medical and health is increasing. “It is difficult and expensive to see a doctor” is a common concern of the common people.

At present, medical information construction is facing a series of difficulties: the phenomenon of information islands is serious, the utilization rate of resources is low, and the sharing is low. It is difficult for hospital managers to fully control the hospital business; the construction of regional information systems lacks overall planning, there are many institutions and business differences.

Medical management is difficult and other difficult problems. With the development of hospital business such as clinical information sharing and real-time medical insurance settlement, the remote disaster tolerance of hospitals is imminent. The security of the hospital information system is directly related to the normal operation of the hospital’s medical work. Once the network is paralyzed or data is lost, it will bring huge disasters and irreparable losses to the hospital and patients.

The introduction of cloud computing is bound to bring changes to the status quo of the medical industry. One is to reduce the cost of hospital medical IT infrastructure, and to focus on its core business and management; the other is to integrate various medical resources and form together.

Topics related to Cloud Computing in Traditional Industries

The “cloud”-based medical and health resource sharing service platform realizes the cost control and efficiency of “the stone of other mountains can be used for jade”; the third is the implementation of electronic health records, electronic medical records and two-way referrals, so that patients can be in any medical treatment Institutions receive medical treatments and receive the same medical services, eliminating the problem of queuing; doctors can obtain the medical history and diagnosis and treatment information of relevant patients through any workstation in a timely manner, and conveniently organize consultations with relevant experts ; the injured in any emergency can be in a short time Get the best treatment.

For example, the Nanjing Municipal Health Bureau set out to build the Nanjing Public Health Cloud Platform in 2010, in which Jianye District adopted the SaaS (Software-as-a-service) model when deploying a new generation of community public health service systems. The HIS system (hospital information system) and the electronic health record system of community residents try to use cloud terminals as the doctor’s desktop system. The establishment of these systems has brought great convenience to medical institution managers, doctors and patients.

With the continuous introduction of cloud computing, the challenges faced by the medical industry have begun to emerge. “Theory is full, the reality is skinny” is used to describe the current application of cloud computing in the medical industry. The medical industry is relatively conservative in introducing cloud computing technology. For the medical industry, not every application is suitable for the cloud.

Security, reliability, and technological maturity are the main reasons that hinder the medical industry from choosing cloud computing. Therefore, in order to deal with the bottleneck of cloud computing in the medical industry, we should start with the following points:

  1. First, formulate industry standards and legal norms to curb cloud computing crimes. Because patient sensitive data is in the cloud, it is easy to cause data leakage;
  2. second, Only by increasing the data center and technical capital investment can we provide physical and technical guarantees for data security and data storage;
  3. the third is to effectively match medical resources and cost investment, and to find a suitable medical cloud solution without rushing. In short, the practice of cloud computing in the medical industry is still in the process of continuous exploration, and it will be the test of time before full application.

ERP industry

In recent years, the introduction of the ERP concept has accelerated the process of enterprise informatization, which has improved the efficiency and saved costs for various management of the enterprise, such as financial management, supply chain management, human resource management, and customer relationship management. However, ERP has always been difficult to gain popularity in around the world.

It has a lot to do with its expensive investment and heavy operation and maintenance model. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, the pressure of capital and personnel investment are the biggest problems. Many companies It’s daunting. There is a saying: Don’t wait for death on ERP, but wait for death on ERP.

The rise of cloud computing will completely change this way of delivering and implementing ERP services. It can help companies reduce the cost of purchasing hardware, ERP software, and operating costs. All services are acquired in the cloud. Just focus on In its own business and management.

For example, Oracle actively promotes cloud-based ERP products through the combination of hardware and software. Save costs for customers through on-demand plug-ins, improve product operating efficiency, and meet customers’ individual needs. Since UFIDA released its cloud computing strategy, it has successively released many cloud computing services and products for enterprises.

The combination of cloud computing and ERP has also spawned some new challenges.

  • First, because the company’s data is highly confidential, data security is an important issue;
  • Secondly, the company’s work is becoming more and more flexible and requires mobile terminals. More and more.

Of course, with the continuous advancement of cloud computing, security issues should not be a problem. It can be restricted by the formulation of industry standards and legal regulations. On the other hand, the combination of software and hardware of ERP software can be obtained through self-built data centers and networks to ensure data security.

Security: Mobile Internet is the general trend, and the diversity and flexibility of mobile terminals will continue to improve with the development of technology. These are the Opportunities & Challenges of Cloud Computing in Traditional Industries we can discuss today. Find More in our related posts.

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