What is DevOps? What are the roles of Containers in DevOps? In this article, we are going to talk about all the Benefits, Metrics, Challenges and Risk Management. DevOps and Containers 2021/2022 updates.
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DevOps is a software engineering framework and methodology aimed at bringing software development (Dev) and software operations (Ops) closer together (Ops). The DevOps movement is described by its strong advocacy of automation and monitoring at all stages of software development. This is from integration to testing to releasing to deployment and infrastructure management. Shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, and more reliable launches are all goals of DevOps, which are closely aligned with business goals. DevOps Kubernetes Course Content [Beginner’s Guide] is available.
DevOps is insufficient! DevSecOps is the process of integrating the cybersecurity stack into the DevOps pipeline. Look up the DevOps RoadMap & Courses to Becoming a Certified Engineer.
Benefits of DevOps
Using DevOps helps businesses to do more. By removing silos and promoting cooperation, DevOps fosters teamwork. Teams that use the DevOps model will reduce lead times, develop new features more quickly, and improve employee engagement and connectivity all while driving innovation. As a result, systems become more safe and stable. Learn DevOps 2021/2022: The Complete Kubernetes Course.
Organizations will see a significant increase in deployment pace, lead time, identification of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and bugs, mean time to repair, and mean time to recovery by leveraging DevOps and integrating continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Learn more from Forbes.
- Results in faster innovation and complexity while remaining focused on the mission’s ultimate objectives.
- Allows for fast prototyping, A/B checking, and canary releases.
- New services and developments are made available.
- Deployment frequency is increased.
- Collaboration between departments is improved.
- Significantly Reduces the amount of time spent managing and repairing software.
- Increases the number of customers who use a company’s services.
- Reduces time-to-market by improving application efficiency and quality.
- Reduces the amount of time spent on testing, production, and operations
- Instead of reinventing the wheel and constructing their own pipeline without oversight, all directorates/divisions/services should reuse the DevSecOps pipeline.
- Using automated checks and real-time scans, it is possible to avoid technological debt by constantly fixing bugs and security problems.
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DevOps Metrics
- The mean-time-to-recovery (MTTR): This indicates how long it will take an application in development to recover from a failure.
- Mean-time to output (MTTP): This also indicates how long it takes for new code to be committed to a code repository.
- Average lead-time: It depicts how long it will take to deliver and deploy a new requirement.
- Deployment speed: Indicates how quickly a new version of the application can be deployed between staging, test, and output.
- Deployment frequency: Also indicates how often a new release can be deployed into development and testing / QA environments.
- Production failure rate: The percentage of software that fails during development is known as the production failure rate.
Metrics for DevSecOps
- Security vulnerabilities and injections can be detected and prevented.
- Fuzzing and static/dynamic source code analysis capabilities
- Container protection, including container base images and libraries, can be monitored.
Challenges in DevOps
1. Culture
Organizations should concentrate on developing a cohesive culture of common goals as a culture solution. This involves identifying workers who are DevOps champions inside the company. New: Best Kubernetes Mastery Course Content: Hands-On Lessons From a Docker Captain.
2. Test automation
Solution: Several companies overlook test automation in favour of CI/CD deployments. Continuous testing is essential for DevOps performance, and protection must be taken into account from the start.
3. Legacy systems
Solution for legacy systems: Provide legacy technology and applications modelling in your DevOps plans. It’s never easy to integrate new hardware or software with legacy systems.
4. App complexity
Solution for app complexity: Early on in the project, consider application design changes based on on-premises, cloud, and containers.
5. No DevOps plan
Solution: There is no DevOps strategy in place. But you can make a detailed schedule with deadlines, project owners, and consistent deliverables.
6. Managing environments
The solution for Managing environments: Using cloud sandboxes and other tools, the company can standardise and automate complex DevOps environments.
7. Skillset
Skillset Solution: DevOps training is needed for teams. Processes should be standardised, and common operating procedures should be developed. Browse about the Best Amazon EKS Starter: Docker on AWS EKS with Kubernetes [Udemy] Free Download.
8. Budget
Budget Solution: Keep in mind that open source does not equal free, and remember to account for integration and organisational complexity when calculating the costs.
9. Tools
Solution for Tools: Avoid fragmented tool adoption, which can increase the costs. Try the Amazon ECS & Fargate Master Class – Docker on AWS.
10. Leadership support
Support for the CEO Solution: To gain resource and budget support, educate leadership about the benefits of DevOps.
- Platform independence: Build it once, run it anywhere
- Resource efficiency and density
- Effective isolation and resource sharing
- Speed: Start, create, replicate or destroy containers in seconds
- Immense and smooth scaling
- Operational simplicity
- Improved developer productivity and development pipeline (thanks to DevOps)
Learn more about containers from medium.freecodecamp.org
The DevOps pipeline includes main components such as Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD).
- Continuous integration (CI) is the process of putting all new source code into a shared version control server like GitHub many times a day.
- Continuous distribution (CD) is a technique for delivering (releasing) software in short cycles, meaning that it can be released efficiently at any time. Its goal is to completely automate the development, testing, and release of software. By allowing for more gradual improvements to production applications, the strategy helps reduce the expense, time, and risk of delivering changes. Continuous delivery necessitates a simple and repeatable deployment phase.
- The idea of continuous integration (CI) was adopted by extreme programming (XP), which advocated integrating several times a day – possibly tens of times a day.
Agile vs DevSecOps
DevSecOps is the next evolution of agile, and it adds the following to the agile principles:
- Containers and Microservices terms are included.
- Scalability and prototyping are supported by cloud deployment.
- To prototype, monitor, and deploy quickly, use Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery.
- For fast feedback loops, use A/B testing and canary deployment.
- Instead of being an afterthought, build protection into the pipeline.
Automated Testing
DevSecOps relies heavily on automated testing. Multiple tools that calculate both test code coverage and test results make it possible. They’re fully automated and don’t need any human intervention.
New ideas such as pair programming and peer code review are also possible.
Agile introduces a number of new test-creation models, including:
- Test-driven development (TDD): is a software development process that relies on very short development cycles: first, specifications are converted into very simple test cases, and then the software is designed to pass the tests.
- ATDD stands for acceptance test–driven development. It is a software development approach that relies on contact between business customers, developers, and testers. Many of the same activities as specification by example, behavior-driven development (BDD), example-driven development (EDD), and support-driven development (also known as story test–driven development) are used in ATDD (SDD). Both of these processes help developers and testers understand the needs of customers before they are implemented, and they enable customers to communicate in their own domain language. DevOps and Containers.
Extreme DevOps Risk Management Example — Chaos Monkey (Netflix)
Netflix created Chaos Monkey in 2011 to measure the stability of its IT infrastructure. It works by deliberately turning off machines in Netflix’s production network to see how the remaining systems respond. Chaos Monkey is now part of the Simian Army, a wider set of methods for simulating and testing responses to different device failures and edge cases.
As part of the DevOps trend, careful attention is paid to the secure operation of computer systems, resulting in a high degree of trust amid regular releases. Chaos Monkey meets the need for continuous testing by adding to the DevOps Tool Chain.
They’re part of the “Design for failure” or “designed to support failure” trend, which states that a computer programme must be able to withstand the failure of any underlying software or hardware component. DevOps and Containers.
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