Web Application Security Pen Testing Checklist xls

This is the Ultimate Web Application Pentesting Checklist For Testers [2022 Updated]. This post is for Web Application Security Testing Checklist xls. What is pen testing and why is it important to perform? If you search the web, you will notice that people are looking for Web App Pentest checklist in Github.

Malicious hackers mostly attack websites and mobile apps (web applications).

Web apps have been a key cause of data breaches due to their extensive use to provide vital services such as accounting, health care, and information.

When it comes to mobile application testing, using a web app pentesting checklist to refer to is important.

Ultimate Web Application Pentesting Checklist For Testers

A web app pentest checklist will guarantee that you cover all aspects of web app security monitoring extensively.

You’ll use extremely advanced online pentesting software to detect and mitigate website protection flaws while running web app pentesting.

You’ll be able to provide the organisation with simple actionable remediation guidance to boost the overall security posture by using this web app pentest checklist.

Before we get started with the web app pentesting checklist, it’s important to note that a web application can be subjected to hundreds of checks.

However, you won’t be able to do any of these exams at once…

In reality, there are certain things that are not worth your time. You must pick the most critical web app evaluations.

Here are my top three recommendations for selecting an exam.

  • Start by deciding the extent of your web application pentesting.
  • The industry critical elements of the application are outlined.
  • Select and prioritise the tests that must be performed based on this information.

Let’s get this web app Pen-testing checklist in details. These are new updates.

1. Obtaining Information

The first step in evaluating your web application’s protection status is to gather as much information as possible about it.

This is the first thing on the pentesting checklist for mobile applications.

I’d start by doing some reconnaissance and exploration using search engines.

This is where you use specialised questions like “site:” to locate indexes and related material cached by search engines like Google for a specific domain.

It’s likely that cached pages will contain classified information that wasn’t meant for the public if the web application doesn’t incorporate a proper robot.txt file.

The details can then be removed from the caches using a robot.txt file, meta tags, and search engine software.

In mobile app pentesting, web server fingerprinting is another effective information collection technique.

This is where you use pentesting tools to look at the operating environment, server applications, and version of the web server.

There are proven bugs in certain server software versions, and you will learn how to hack them.

You may also use site crawlers to track all the links on the page to come up with a site map of all the available urls.

This will help you recognise the key areas of the submission, so you can prepare and organise your assessments.

I’d start with the more critical areas, such as where users can change database information and protect it with encoding and user authentication.

You may also ask developers about any of this detail in writing or via interviews.

2. Configuration Management

The second step in this web app pentest checklist is to test for configuration management.

Here, you’ll have to figure out how the site that’s running the web application is configured.

What is the significance of this?

Since, just as an unsecured web app can compromise the site, some main system configuration errors can compromise the web app.

As a consequence, proper server configuration management is essential to preserving the application’s protection.

It only takes one mistake to jeopardise the stability of an entire infrastructure.

Check for vulnerabilities that could allow a remote attacker to access the application’s source code, for example.

As a result, careful configuration of individual components that make up the programme is critical to avoiding errors that could jeopardise the protection of the entire infrastructure.

An intruder would be able to grasp the underlying application technology and initiate the necessary attack if they know the server file extensions.

Web scanners may also be used to locate identified directories on the server.

Unreferenced files in the server directory are popular, and they can be used to expose device infrastructure or obtain credentials.

This could take the form of renamed old archives, compressed backup files created automatically or manually.

This files can provide links to the application’s internal workings or back doors, posing a serious threat to a web application.

GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and other HTTP methods may be used to execute various server activities, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and so on.

However, if the server is not correctly installed, these tools may be used for malicious purposes.

Management Guide

As a consequence, it’s crucial that methods like POST and Remove, which change server records, are only used by trustworthy users. See more below;

  1. Importance of Web App Security over the Increasing Web Application Attacks
  2. Progressive Web Apps Benefits, Advantages and Features (Mobile Device Apps)
  3. Advantages of Progressive Web Apps | Benefits & Features
  4. Future of Android Developer on Progressive Web App

3. Authentication

In a web application, authentication refers to the method of verifying that a person is who they say they are.

It’s also an important part of this web framework penetration assessment checklist.

When doing user authentication, make sure the user passwords are sent over an encrypted channel to prevent hackers from intercepting them.

Both logins can be performed via a login form that must be filled out and the data sent through the POST process.

Frequently, a web browser will use software or a module that comes with default settings when installed.

Since the default passwords for authentication and installation are publicly available, malicious attackers may use them to obtain unauthorised access if they are not modified or properly installed.

To avoid brute force password cracking attacks, all authentication schemes should have a robust lockout feature.

After 3-5 unsuccessful login attempts, I normally lock out a user for a period of time before allowing them to try again.

However, if I were trapped in this situation, I would not refuse an authenticated user permission while blocking unauthorised access.

It is often possible to disable the login screen due to developer error.

You will use this tool to call and view an internal website that was meant to be available only after signing in.

You should also be able to sense this during your pentest.

I will also look for vulnerable “remember password” implementations at this level of the web app pentest checklist.

So, keep an eye out for passwords saved in cookies to make sure they’re hashed rather than plain text.

4. Authorization

Authorization is the method of granting authorised users access to only the content that they have been granted permission to view.

You’ll be able to test the permission process and discover ways to get through it once you understand how it functions.

Many online applications, for example, use and maintain files as part of their day-to-day activities.

As a result, make sure the unauthorised users can’t read or write files.

User function you’ll be testing

Here are three things to hold in mind for each user function you’ll be testing:

  • First, is it possible for a customer to enter the resource without being authenticated?
  • Secondly, is it possible for an authorised person to use the resource after they have logged out?
  • Thirdly, is it necessary for a user to control features or services that belong to another user level?

You can also verify whether the user will change their user level/role in a way that could lead to a privilege escalation attack during authorisation checks.

A privilege escalation attack causes the programme to execute behaviour with greater rights than the creator or sysadmin intended.

A successful authorisation scheme can make sure that a user can:

  1. Cannot execute acts that require a higher degree of privilege.
  2. You are unable to execute acts that belong to another person.

Session monitoring is the next thing on this web application penetration checklist.

5. Session Management

HTTP is a protocol that has no state (stateless protocol).

However, a web application’s framework for preserving state for each user who communicates with it is one of its most important features.

This is referred to as “session scheduling.”

Session handling routines are integrated into most web server environments.

Web apps may prevent having to authenticate a user for each website they access by using session management.

An attacker, on the other hand, will use this to obtain access to an account without having the correct login credentials.

Ensure that cookies and session tokens are generated in a stable and volatile manner while checking.

If a cookie holds confidential data or is a session key, it should always be sent into an encrypted tunnel.

Even, if the cookie is going to expire in the future, make sure it doesn’t hold any personal information so a hacker with access to it will still submit it.

Session hijacking can also be avoided by a web pentester.

This is accomplished by ensuring that if a web application authenticates a user, the current session id is invalidated first.

A hacker cannot force a previously identified sessions id on the user by doing so.

Apart from that, as a mobile pen-tester, you can make sure that a web app not only allows users to log out manually, but also logs them out during a predetermined period of inactivity.

This way, the session ID cannot be reused, and no personal information is stored in the browser cache.

6. Input Validation

Inability to adequately verify user data input is one of the most frequent sources of security flaws in web applications.

You can manipulate popular vulnerabilities like XSS, SQL injection, file system assaults, buffer overflows, and so on by using user input.

Input validation is a must-have in your web server pentest checklist for this reason.

Any data entry from an external individual, customer, client, or whatever name you want to call them can never be trusted.

As a result, the web framework should be able to verify all types of potential feedback such that the results can be adequately validated before being used.

A more comprehensive description of how to execute each type of input validation in a web application can be found here.

I will never release an application without first ensuring that all input data, especially uploaded files, is properly validated.

Some web development frameworks, such as Django, come with input data validation features built-in right out of the box.

Finally, as the last thing on this web app pentest checklist, let’s look at error management.

7. Error Handling

If you really want to protect a web application, make sure there isn’t any material leakage…

…and an informative, articulate error message provides an intruder insight into the app’s inner workings.

As a site pentester, make sure that an operation still fails safely and that no personal data is displayed to the customer.

When it comes to error handling, I prefer to use a centralised approach.

This is because it is easier to manage and would help you to capture the bulk of error forms before they show themselves on the front end.

Even though robust languages like Java and C# verify exception handling at compile time, knowledge leak can still occur since not all error types are tested.

Error signals, on the other hand, are crucial for creation and debugging.

It’s fine to have absolute error notices on the phone while the app is already in production mode.

However, while in development, only present generic error messages on the front end when recording the entire message to a server register.

NullPointerException and other common Java errors should always be type tested first.

Never display an error message on the front end in development mode that includes a stack trace, line number where the error happened, class name, or process name.

Often, don’t use personal details in error messages, such as people’s names or internal contact information.

These are the seven elements on a web application penetration testing checklist that I feel are most relevant.


We have been talking about the Web Application Security Testing Checklist xls 2021. In conclusion, malicious hackers find web apps to be very easy targets.

As a result, software developers must conduct penetration testing on a regular basis to insure that their web apps have a clean bill of health in terms of protection.

The key aim of web application penetration testing is to enhance the security of the application.

This way, a dishonest agent would not be able to take advantage of it.

As this data leak of cyber security shows, defending your web application should no longer be taken lightly.

New Posts related to Web Application Security Testing

I hope you’ve seen all of the elements that a comprehensive web application pentest can have in this web application penetration testing checklist.

You will conduct a comprehensive and accurate web pentest by using this web pentest checklist.

Also experienced software engineers have difficulty determining which programme parameters must be carefully tested prior to delivery.

As a consequence, you can always aspire to develop your pentesting skills by learning from the best through these online penetration testing courses.

This courses will show you how to run a decent web application pentest in depth.

You’ll also hear about the best methods, both free and charged, for making the most out of your pentesting.

Have you used this web application pentesting checklist to start your web application security test?

Please share your web security monitoring best practises experiences in the comments section below.

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