In this post, we will show you How to Conduct your Download Speed Test on Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc. There are a whole team committed to ensuring that you can download your file transfers as quickly as possible. So, if you’ve emailed any Support team and asked to share your download rates with them, we appreciate it!
This download speed test is easy to perform and takes less than two minutes. Here’s how to do it:
- In your web browser, copy and paste the first download connection created by a member of our Support team. Inside your web browser, your move should begin to download.
- Enable the browser’s download app (more instructions below).
- In your download window, take a screenshot of the download as it advances.
Following the steps 1-3 for your second download link after taking the screenshot for your first download.
- At least 30 seconds can pass between each update.
When all is said and gone, you should have two screenshots to give back to us at Support. This is more beneficial than you realise.
Finding your download in your downloads window
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
Google Chrome
To find your downloads window Click ‘more’ or the dotted lines in the right-hand corner of your browser to find your downloads window in Chrome. This will bring up a drop-down menu from which you can choose ‘downloads.’ This will pull up a window where you can control your downloads. This is where the screenshot will be taken.

Click the ‘downloads’ button in the top-right corner of your screen to find your download window in Safari. This is where the screenshot will be taken.

Click the ‘downloads’ button (the arrow on your browser’s toolbar) to open your downloads window in Firefox. Take a screenshot of your update in your downloads browser.

If you have some problems, don’t hesitate to contact the Wetransfer Support team; they’ll gladly assist you!
Trouble sending Files & Document?
- I can’t add files to my transfer in Safari!
- My files are getting stuck uploading in Safari
- My upload speed is slow – Solution is here
- Is my Antivirus blocking my transfer?
- The “Oops, something went wrong..” error
- My transfer hops back from 5% to 0%