This is an update of 10 Must-Read Java Books for Programmers. Gentlemen and ladies, if you’re looking for Java books read in 2022/2023 as a Java developer, you’ve come to the right spot. In this post, I’ll discuss ten books that a Java developer can read about Java online, Spring, and related technologies. Top 10 Java Developers Books are available here.
Personally, I’ve included books for both seasoned Java developers who want to learn about architecture, cloud development, microservices, Java 9 to Java 13 features, and Spring 5 features, as well as new Java developers who want to learn Kotlin to boost their productivity. Even, I haven’t forgotten about junior and less experienced Java developers, or those who are planning to begin their Java journey in this year.
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Top 10 Books Java Developers Must Read before the year runs out
I’ve even added several books to help you master the latest Java versions. Some books have been revised to cover the Java SE 9 edition, such as Core Java SE 9 for the Impatient and Java: A Beginner’s Guide.
This suggests that whether you’ve just recently begun studying Java or are considering it, those are the best books to begin with. If we’re talking about Head First Java, there’s no point in continuing with old books.
I had hoped that the third version of Head First Java would be released sooner rather than later. Furthermore, the author and publisher would take note of the need to revise the book to reflect updates in Java 8 and Java 9. But it is still a decent book for people who are only learning to programme with Java pro. It is also for those who have no previous programming experience.
Cloud Native Java, which I just discovered today, is one of my most recent additions to this list. The book appears to be excellent, as it addresses the much-needed issue of creating a Java application for the cloud using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry. I haven’t finished reading it yet, but it seems to be fantastic so far.
10 Must-Read Java Books for Programmers
There are several good books you can read in this to develop your Java knowledge and skills, but reading them all is virtually impossible. However, there are certain books that you can not ignore, such as Effective Java 3rd Edition, which is why I put it first on my list.
This collection includes books on Java 9 and 10 features. They include; Spring 5, Kotlin, Software Architecture, Microservices, Cloud, and basic Java 8 release components.
Even if the list isn’t particularly lengthy, the books on it are excellent, and you can quickly read them on the way to work.
1. Cloud-Native Java
If you’ve made it this far, you’ve got a treat, so I’m going to give you one of the most useful Java books of 2022, Cloud Native Java.
Today’s software development is all about the cloud, microservices, distributed architecture, and so on, and in this realistic tutorial, Josh Long and Kenny Bastani teach Java/JVM developers how to use Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry to create better and faster Java applications.
For seasoned Java programmers, this is a must-read book. Despite the fact that it covers a more advanced subject, I highly advise any Java developer to read this book. You may also pair this book with Ranga Karnam’s Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, a fellow blogger and best-selling Udemy course. If you want to learn something useful, this is a perfect course to take.

I haven’t finished the book yet; in fact, I ordered it after reading the preview because I am intrigued by the topic. I’ll actually write a full review after I’ve finished reading it, so it’s well worth reading at least once.
2. Effective Java 3rd Edition
If you haven’t already, this should be the first book to read this year. The third version was long overdue, and it was on schedule. The latest version also includes features from JDK 7, 8, and 9.
Joshua Bloch sent me the best New Year’s present for Java developers, which I got in the first week of January.
I personally, read this book in about a week. However, I’ve found myself searching for new items on a regular basis, especially on Java SE 8 and Java 9.
Reading this book taught me about Java modularity, and it also clarified a lot of misconceptions I had about Java 8 functionality.

3. Modern Java Recipes
This is a good book to read if you like recipe books. It provides simple solutions to extreme problems in Java 8 and 9, as the title suggests.
You’ll learn how to use lambda expressions, function references, and the Stream API to write code using Java 8 idioms.
This is the ideal book to read if you want to learn Java 8 and Java 9 by following easy-to-follow tutorials and illustrations.

4. Java 9 Modularity
Java Modularity, or Java Module, was one of the highlights of the Java 9 update, and this book offers the most detailed coverage of that subject.
Sanders Mak is an expert on Java 9 Modules; I’ve taken some of his Pluralsight Java 9 courses, including Java 9 Modules and What’s New in Java 9, and I can confidently guarantee that you will not be disappointed after spending your time and money in this book.

5. Core Java SE 9 for the Impatient (2nd Edition)
This is the book I recommend to you if you need to learn Java quickly. Cay S. Horstmann’s prose and the level of depth he covers are two of my favourite things about him.
After reading his other books on Java 8, Scala, and Core Java, I can confidently predict that you will become a follower after finishing this one.
It was recently revised to cover Java SE 9 functionality, and it is the first book you can read in 2021 if you want to learn Java 9. By the way, we’re still on Java 13, so it’s a little out-of-date, but keeping up with Java’s six-month update period is extremely difficult for any book.
As a result, the easiest way to learn Java is to pair this book with a more current course, such as Tim Buchalaka’s The Complete Java Masterclass on Udemy, which not only provides active and direct learning but also assists you in learning Java quickly.

5. Beginning Java 8 Language Features
Despite the fact that Java SE 8 has been out for almost four years, many Java developers are yet to begin using it.
If you’re one of them, or if you’re having trouble understanding lambda expressions, Stream API, Optional, and other Java 8 features, this book is for you.
Furthermore, it’s a collection of three books that discusses the basics of Java 8 in an easy-to-understand manner.
The author’s other two books, JDBC, Swing, Java FX, and Java Networking APIs, cover advanced topics from a Java 8 viewpoint.

6. Spring Microservices in Action
Microservice architecture is becoming more common in the software development environment, as it provides many advantages in terms of development, support, implementation, scalability, and reliability.
Fortunately, the Spring architecture includes resources such as Spring Boot and Spring Cloud that can be used to build microservices in Java.
Lastly, this book is for you if you want to learn how to grow microservices using the Spring system.

7. Clean Architecture
This was one of the books that I read last year and really liked. I’m a great fan of Robert C. Martin, also known as Include Bob, and after reading his Clean Code and Clean Coder books, I have to admit that this book completes the clean codebook trilogy.
This book will teach you how to build long-lasting software infrastructure and dispel common misconceptions about design trends and software architecture.
If you’re a seasoned Java developer interested in pursuing a career as a solution architect, this is the one book you can read this year.

8. Spring 5 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Spring 5 is the most recent release of the common Java application development platform, and it is the first to provide reactive programming capabilities.
Since Spring is by far the most common framework for Java growth, it’s worthwhile to learn what’s new in Spring 5 and stay current.
Recipe books appeal to me because of their task-based style, which is why I choose this book for learning over the other Spring 5 titles.
It not only includes Spring 5’s latest additions, but also all previous releases’ improvements. In a nutshell, it shows you how to programme in Spring 5.

9. Kotlin in Action
To become PolyGlot programmers, Java developers often learn other JVM languages such as Scala, Groovy, and Closure, and Kotlin is unquestionably leading the pack at the moment.
In Google IO, Google declared Kotlin as the official language for Android production in the year 2017, and there has been a lot of interest in learning it since then.
Although, most significantly, it boosts efficiency and is entirely written in Java. So, if you want to learn a JVM language in 2022/2023, I recommend studying Kotlin, and if you want to supplement this book with a course, you can enrol in The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course on Udemy, which is one of the most in-depth and hands-on courses to learn Kotlin.

10. Java: A Beginner’s Guide, Seventh Edition
Another classic book for learning core Java from the ground up. The 7th Edition of this book is now available, and it has been revised to include Java SE 9.
If you want to launch your programming career with Java, read this book to learn the most recent edition of the language.
This book is more thorough than the second on the series, which also covers Java 9.

That concludes a list of some of the most fascinating and valuable books for Java developers. Some people tag it Top 8-10 Must Read Books to Become a Java Pro? But for me, they are the 10 Best Java Books for Beginners & Advanced Programmers for this year. To be honest, there’s a lot to read, even just to keep up with what’s going on in the Java environment, such as Java 9 to Java 14, Spring 5, Microservices, Kotlin, and so on. These books will not only keep you up to speed on new features, but they will also help you understand them better.
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Tags: Best java books for beginners. Best java book for experienced programmers. Best java books for beginners 2022. 5 Java Developers Books. Download Java books pdf. Latest head first java pdf download. Top best java books 2022 reddit.
Thank you for taking the time to read this far. If you like these books, please tell your friends and coworkers about them. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or books that you think Java developers should read this year.
P. S. – If you’re looking for more technical courses to help you become a better Java developer, I recommend the Educative Web Application and Software Architecture 101 course, which is one of the better Modern Software Architecture courses available.