9 Best WiFi Penetration Testing Tools Hackers Use for Wireless Security

Free WiFI Security Testing Tools for 2022/2023. These are the 9 Popular WiFi Penetration Testing Tools Hackers Use. What are the best methods for Wifi Pentesting in this year? Today, the internet has become an important part of our lives.

They all need an Internet connection, ranging from social media, online shopping, mobile banking, online research, among other items.

Therefore, everywhere you go, you see Wi-Fi hotspots because people still need to connect to the internet.

Most of these Wi-Fi networks are generally protected by a password, so in order to gain entry, you need to know this security key.

An integral part of building a safe network is Wi-Fi security review and penetration testing.

And this is what takes us to the best testing methods for Wifi penetration that you can use to ethically test and repair a wireless network.

You will be able to better understand wifi protection vulnerabilities and how to defend yourself from them by attempting to break into your own wireless networks using these wifi hacking techniques.

We will look at the wifi penetration testing techniques used by hackers this year in this post.

If you are totally new to pentesting or need to upgrade your skill, check out my other article through online tutorials to learn pentesting.

Using these wireless pentesting techniques, before a hacker does, you will be able to discover rogue access points, poor Wifi codes and spot safety holes.

By analyzing their network packets, you can also use these wifi hacking tools to see who is doing what on your network. The top Wi-Fi pen testing tools in Kali Linux is available on this website. Use the search box to locate it.


One of the most common tools for cracking both WEP and WPA wifi passwords is Aircrack.

By first collecting the network packets, it utilizes one of the smartest algorithms to capture passwords.

If it has received enough packets, by implementing an optimized FMS attack, it uses them to try to recover the wifi password.

It has a very high performance rate, apart from supporting most of the available wireless adapters, and is almost always guaranteed to function.

You would need deep knowledge and understanding of Linux as it comes as a Linux distribution to be able to use this wifi pentest tool to crack wifi passwords effectively.


Reaver is also one of the most common wireless network pentesting tools for open source, but without continuous development it has taken a long time.

For WPA/WPA2 wireless networks, this wifi hacking tool uses brute force attack to break wifi passwords.

Even though Google hosted the source code for this awesome wireless pentesting tool, here is a great documentation of Reaver use that shows how to use it.

Even if it has taken several years without updates, I still find it a great wifi hacking tool.

You can use it as a great alternative to other wireless penetration testing methods that break wifi encryption keys using brute force attack.


Airsnort is a free method for wifi pentesting that is used for WEP networks to crack wifi passwords.

It operates by collecting network packets, analyzing them, and then writing the encryption key using them once enough packets have been received.

This tool is very simple to use and comes with operating systems for Windows and Linux.

Although it’s a great WEP network password cracking tool, it has the same problem as the Reaver tool I described above.

On Sourceforge.net, the Airsnort source code is still available, but it has not been updated in years. It’s a great tool to try wifi authentication, though, to hack wifi passwords.

Cain & Abel

One of the top wireless penetration testing tools for cracking WEP wifi passwords, particularly for the Windows platform, is Cain and Abel.

It is common because it uses different techniques such as network packet sniffing, dictionary assaults, brute force attacks and cryptanalysis to crack wifi passwords.

By analyzing network protocols, this method can also recover network security keys.

In addition to cracking passwords, for the purpose of ethical hacking, you can also use these wifi hacking tools to record VoIP conversations, get cache data, as well as to get hold of routing protocols.

It is an improved tool which is available for all versions of the operating system running Windows.

Infernal Twin

Infernal Twin is an automated testing tool for wireless penetration developed to help pentesters determine the security of a wifi network.

You can create an Evil Twin attack using this method by building a fake wireless access point to sniff communications from the network.

You can eavesdrop users with phishing techniques after creating a fake wifi access point and start a man-in-the-middle attack targeting a specific user.

Since this tool is written in Python, it can be built and used for wireless network auditing and pentesting in various Linux distros.

For WEP/WPA/WPA2 wireless networks, it helps you to hack wifi passwords.


Wireshark is a wireless penetration testing application that is free and open source for network packet analysis.

By collecting the packets and analyzing them at a micro-level, it helps you to know what is happening on your wireless network.

It can run on all common operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris & FreeBSD, since it’s multi-platform.

Even though it does not help you recover plaintext passphrases, you can use it on wifi networks, bluetooth, ethernet, USB, among others, to sniff and capture live data.

However, to use this tool properly, in order to be able to interpret the data collected, you need a thorough understanding of network protocols.

But you need to learn network protocols first and here are the best online network safety courses to get you started.


Another great wifi pentesting technique for cracking the password of a wireless network is Wifiphisher.

It works by making a fake wireless access point for red team engagements or wifi protection testing that you can use.

Using this method, by launching a targeted wifi association attack, you can easily achieve a man-in-the-middle role again with wifi access clients.

To collect credentials or infect their stations with malware, you can use it to launch victim-customized web phishing attacks against connected customers.

So you can use it to launch fast automated phishing assaults to steal passwords on a wifi network.

Even though this tool is free and comes pre-installed in the Kali Linux distribution, Windows and Mac OS are also available.


CowPatty is an automated wireless penetration testing command-line tool for launching dictionary attacks using PSK-based authentication on WPA/WPA2 wifi networks.

If a precomputed PMK file is available for the SSID being evaluated, it may initiate an accelerated network attack.

Since this wireless hacking tool runs on a word-list containing the passwords to be used in the attack, if the password is not within the word list of the passwords, you are out of luck.

The sluggishness of this tool is another downside, since the hash uses SHA1 with the SSID speed, which depends on the strength of the password.

It then uses the password dictionary to create a hash using the SSID for each word found in the dictionary.

So, even though it’s easy to use, this tool is very sluggish.


OmniPeek is a very common method for wireless pentesting that is used for packet sniffing and analysis of network packets.

Even though this is a paid tool which only runs on the Windows OS, before you commit to a paid plan, it has a 30 day trial to test run the platform.

It works just as well as, and is similar to, the Wireshark I’ve already described above.

That being said, while you can use this method to capture and analyze wireless network traffic, to be able to understand the data obtained, you would need a deep knowledge of network protocols and packets.

Another reason it is so popular as a hacking tool for wireless networks is that it supports almost all of the market’s available network interface cards…

So, you are less likely to face compatibility problems with the network card.

In addition, by using many of the readily available plugins, you can also expand the features of this wifi pentest tool to achieve higher troubleshooting capabilities.

For quicker diagnostics, you can also get expert GUI-based opinions because it has a built-in expert framework that recommends root cause analysis for hundreds of popular network issues.


So the list of the best wireless hacking tools for pentesting the wifi goes there.

While you can use some of these tools to crack wifi passwords, you can also use some of them to track your network traffic.

These are not the only wifi security instruments out there, however. There are also more methods to hack wirelessly.

But they are the most popular among ethical hackers, and through these online penetration testing courses, you can learn how to use them.

Also, remember that breaking into a network could be a criminal offense in your country, even if you can use these wifi penetration testing tools to obtain unauthorized access to a network.

So if you are going to use these wifi protection tools on another network, tread with caution.

Basically, these wifi pentesting techniques are used by system administrators or programmers operating on a wifi-based software for wifi network monitoring and troubleshooting.

I hope you find this list of the top resources for checking wifi security penetration useful.

Have you previously used any of the wifi hacking methods on this list?

Are there some great tools for cracking wifi passwords that are great, but in this top 10 list I did not mention?

Topics related to WiFi Penetration Testing Tools Hackers Use

  • penetration testing tools free
  • wifi hack tool v3.47 free download
  • airsnort wifi hack
  • web application penetration testing tools
  • aircrack-ng wifi hacker
  • wifi cracker
  • how to hack nearby wifi password
  • penetration testing tools for windows.

In the comments below, please share your wifi penetration testing experience.

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