Countries, regions, and currencies supported by Amazon for to participate in the reseller program. Find below the list of countries currently accepted to register for selling on Amazon. Full compilation of Amazon approved countries list.
Note: To be eligible to sell on Amazon as a business or as a sole trader, you need to have a proof of business establishment in one of the following countries, have a local phone number, and have an internationally chargeable credit card. If you intend to sell on Amazon as a private person, you need to be resident in one of the following countries, have a local phone number, and have an internationally chargeable credit card.
List of Amazon Supported Countries (Amazon Marketplaces)
Afghanistan | Libya | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Albania | Liechtenstein | Saint Lucia |
Algeria | Lithuania | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Angola | Luxembourg | Samoa |
Antigua and Barbuda | Macedonia | Sao Tome and Principe |
Argentina | Madagascar | Saudi Arabia |
Armenia | Malawi | Senegal |
Australia | Malaysia | Serbia |
Austria | Maldives | Seychelles |
Azerbaijan | Mali | Sierra Leone |
Bahamas | Malta | Singapore |
Bahrain | Marshall Islands | Slovakia |
Bangladesh | Mauritania | Slovenia |
Barbados | Mauritius | Solomon Islands |
Belarus* | Mexico | Somalia |
Belgium | Micronesia | South Africa |
Belize | Moldova | South Sudan |
Benin | Mongolia | Spain |
Bhutan | Montenegro | Sri Lanka |
Bolivia | Morocco | Sudan |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Mozambique | Suriname |
Botswana | Myanmar | Sweden |
Brazil | Namibia | Switzerland |
Brunei Darussalam | Nauru | Taiwan |
Bulgaria | Nepal | Tajikistan |
Burkina Faso | Netherlands | Tanzania |
Burundi | New Zealand | Thailand |
Cambodia | Nicaragua | Timor-Leste |
Cameroon | Niger | Togo |
Canada | Nigeria | Tonga |
Cape Verde | Norway | Trinidad and Tobago |
Central African Republic | Oman | Tunisia |
Chad | Pakistan | Turkey |
Chile | Palau | Turkmenistan |
China | Panama | Tuvalu |
Colombia | Papua New Guinea | Uganda |
Comoros | Paraguay | Ukraine |
Costa Rica | Peru | United Arab Emirates |
Cote d’Ivoire | Philippines | United Kingdom |
Croatia | Poland | United States |
Cyprus | Portugal | Uruguay |
Czech Republic | Qatar | Uzbekistan |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Republic of the Congo | Vanuatu |
Denmark | Romania | Venezuela |
Djibouti | Libya | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Dominica | Liechtenstein | Saint Lucia |
Dominican Republic | Lithuania | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Ecuador | Luxembourg | Samoa |
Egypt | Macedonia | Sao Tome and Principe |
El Salvador | Madagascar | Saudi Arabia |
Equatorial Guinea | Malawi | Senegal |
Eritrea | Malaysia | Serbia |
Estonia | Maldives | Seychelles |
Eswatini | Mali | Sierra Leone |
Ethiopia | Malta | Singapore |
Fiji | Marshall Islands | Slovakia |
Finland | Mauritania | Slovenia |
France | Mauritius | Solomon Islands |
Gabon | Mexico | Somalia |
Gambia | Micronesia | South Africa |
Georgia | Moldova | South Sudan |
Germany | Mongolia | Spain |
Ghana | Montenegro | Sri Lanka |
Greece | Morocco | Sudan |
Grenada | Mozambique | Suriname |
Guatemala | Myanmar | Sweden |
Guinea | Namibia | Switzerland |
Guinea-Bissau | Nauru | Taiwan |
Guyana | Nepal | Tajikistan |
Haiti | Netherlands | Tanzania |
Honduras | New Zealand | Thailand |
Hong Kong | Nicaragua | Timor-Leste |
Hungary | Niger | Togo |
Iceland | Nigeria | Tonga |
India | Norway | Trinidad and Tobago |
Indonesia | Oman | Tunisia |
Iraq | Pakistan | Turkey |
Ireland | Palau | Turkmenistan |
Israel | Panama | Tuvalu |
Italy | Papua New Guinea | Uganda |
Jamaica | Paraguay | Ukraine |
Japan | Peru | United Arab Emirates |
Jordan | Philippines | United Kingdom |
Kazakhstan | Poland | United States |
Kenya | Portugal | Uruguay |
Kiribati | Qatar | Uzbekistan |
Korea (South) | Republic of the Congo | Vanuatu |
Kuwait | Romania | Venezuela |
Kyrgyzstan | Libya | Vietnam |
Laos | Liechtenstein | Yemen |
Latvia | Lithuania | Zambia |
Lebanon | Luxembourg | Zimbabwe |
Lesotho | Russia* | |
Liberia | Rwanda |
* Amazon is currently not accepting registrations from Russia or Belarus.

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Amazon Seller Frequently asked questions
I am from one of the countries listed above, but I am blocked on Phone Verification Process, why?
You can check the following to complete the verification of your phone number:
- Check whether the number you entered is in the correct format. To know the correct format, see the answer to this question What is the correct format to verify the phone number? below.
- If you have already verified your number, no further verification is required and no further verification request will be successful. You can proceed with the registration process.
- Try to verify your phone number using the SMS verification, which may include your country.
If you are still unable to complete the phone number verification process, we suggest you use a different phone number, preferably of a different service provider. If that still does not work, use the Get support link at the bottom of your Seller Central home page.
What is the correct format of the phone number?
The numbers must be prefixed with the country code. Following is the correct format with examples of numbers for the U.S. See source. Lastly, you can also checkout the Best Strategies to Improve Your Credit Score using our guidelines.
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