How to Find a Job in the United States as a Foreigner?

You must find a job as soon as you start making plans to move to the United States for job. However, you have three options for obtaining a visa. You can get one through sponsorship, apply for a temporary work visa, or seek a green card. Here are the steps to follow for each of these methods.

How can you Find a job in the USA?

To kickstart your journey, begin by searching for job opportunities in your current country. Next, prepare an American-style resume and cover letter.

Doing this can effectively showcase to potential employers your adaptability to new environments and your readiness to work in the United States.

Conduct an online interview.

It is a very common thing, for employers to conduct interviews online or over the phone when considering candidates who reside outside the United States. This approach allows for efficient and cost-effective evaluations of international applicants.

However, during this interview, it is essential to maintain professionalism and make a positive impression. Here are some key points to remember while preparing to find a job and during your interview:

  1. Dress well: Dress in professional attire just as you would for an in-person interview. This demonstrates your seriousness and respect for the opportunity.
  2. Choose a Quiet Space: Select a quiet, well-organized area for the interview. Ensure there are minimal distractions and background noise.
  3. Preparation is Key: Before the interview, prepare responses to common interview questions and practice them. This will help you express your qualifications and experiences clearly and confidently.

How to Obtain a USA Visa

To obtain a visa in your journey to finding a job is very important. It is the very first thing to consider and put in place as soon as you start nursing the thoughts of relocating to the US.

However, some things may try to distract or delay you from getting either the work visa, travel visa or any other type of visa.

A temporary visa typically requires regular renewal and securing employment before applying. In any case where any barrier stops you, do well to follow these steps to seek redress and help:

If Necessary, File a Petition

If you do not currently meet the eligibility criteria for a visa, your employer may need to file a petition with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on your behalf.

In some cases, such as when you are investing or engaging in trade activities abroad, you may not require an employer petition.

Additionally, citizens of Canada and Mexico may be eligible for certain temporary visas under specific agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

These agreements can allow citizens of these countries to obtain certain U.S. visas without the need for an employer petition.

Wait for The Company to Approve Your Petition.

You are correct that USCIS must approve your employer’s petition before you can proceed with your visa application. Therefore, filing your visa application without USCIS approval will likely result in an outright denial. The waiting period for USCIS approval can vary depending on the type of employment-based visa you are applying for.

In some visa categories, there are annual limits on the number of visas that can be issued, which can lead to longer waiting times. For example, the H-1B visa program has a cap on the number of visas issued each fiscal year, and demand often exceeds this cap, leading to a lottery system for selection.

Meet With a Representative of the U.S. Embassy

Indeed, the visa interview serves the essential purpose of evaluating whether you meet all the requirements for the specific visa category you are applying for.

Yes, if your visa application is denied, you often have the opportunity to address the issues that led to the denial by supplementing your application with missing documents or information.

The process for addressing a denial can vary depending on the visa category and the reasons for the denial.

Fill out a Temporary Visa Application.

After receiving approval for your petition, the next steps involve preparing and submitting your online visa application.

The online visa application is typically conducted in English and will request information about various aspects of your background.

Obtain a Visa.

After your visa application has been accepted, you can typically expect to pick up your visa a few weeks later. However, processing times can vary depending on factors such as the type of visa you applied for and the demand at the U.S. embassy or consulate where you submitted your application.

How do I get a Valid Green Card?

A green card is a document that grants foreign nationals the right to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis.

One way to obtain a green card is through the Diversity Immigrant Visa program, which provides an opportunity for prospective immigrants to apply for permanent residency through an annual green card lottery.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the steps to apply for a green card in the United States:

Temporary Visa Holders Eligibility

If you are already working in the United States on a temporary visa, you are eligible to apply for a green card, which allows you to stay in the country permanently without the need to renew your visa after a while.

Priority Date

Your employer will have to submit an immigration application on your behalf, and your priority date is crucial. It’s the date when this application is filed. The availability of green cards varies by visa category and the applicant’s home country, so check the government’s visa bulletin to determine when your priority date becomes current.

Requirements to Process Your Green Card

The following are the requirements to process a green card:

  • I-140 Form: Your employer must complete and submit an I-140 form, which is a petition for immigrant workers. In some cases, this petition may require certification from the U.S. Department of Labor. Consulting an immigration attorney can be helpful in navigating this process.
  • Medical Examination: Schedule a medical examination as required by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Find a licensed physician on the USCIS website to perform the examination. This step ensures you are in good physical and mental health and up to date on immunizations.
  • Application Submission: Complete and submit your green card application following the instructions on the USCIS website. Keep in mind that there’s an application fee associated with this step.
  • I-485 Form: Download and complete the I-485 form, which is the application to adjust your status to that of a lawful permanent resident. Ensure your answers are truthful and accurate, and seek advice from an immigration attorney if needed.
  • Biometrics and Personal Interview: USCIS may request biometrics, including fingerprints, signature, and photographs. They may also schedule a personal interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate if necessary. USCIS will notify you of the date and time for these appointments after receiving your application.
  • Wait for Decision: After submitting your application, you’ll need to await a decision from USCIS. Be diligent in ensuring that all required documents are included, that the information is accurate, and that everything is submitted on time. Missing documents or incorrect information can lead to application denials.

Get a Social Security Number (SSN).

Yes, if you have obtained a visa or green card and plan to work in the United States, you will typically need a Social Security Number (SSN). The SSN is a unique nine-digit identification number issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to track your earnings and work history.


In conclusion, finding a job in the United States as a foreigner can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. This article has provided valuable insights and step-by-step guidance for individuals seeking employment opportunities in the U.S.

It has highlighted essential aspects such as preparing a U.S.-style resume, navigating the visa application process, and securing a Social Security Number for work.

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