Percentage of College Students That Change Their Course of Study and Why?

A significant majority of college students, approximately 80% or more, choose to change their course of study during their college journey. If you are considering a change of course, it is advisable to meet with an academic advisor.

They can provide you with information on how to go about this successfully and tell you, how this decision may impact your financial aid and graduation requirements.

Let’s look at some of the reasons students change majors and what percentage of college students change their majors in details. Keep reading!

Reasons why College Students Change Their Courses

There are quite a number of reasons why a student, will change his major or course of study in college or any higher institution of learning. In the list below, I will show you a few of such reasons:

  • The students did not have any interest in the material they were learning or studying.
  • They do not understand the information being taught.
  • Students like to study courses with better job opportunities and higher pay after graduation.
  • Some students claim they did not pursue their true interests due to parental pressure to pursue a specific career path.
  • They made hasty decisions without considering all available options.
  • Their previous major or course of study, did not bring them enjoyment, thus the change.

If after reading that list and you notice that one or more of these applies to you, then maybe it is time to explore other available options.

Top Courses of Study College Students Change

In as much as every student wants a better life after college, some do change their courses of study or major after a while because of obvious reasons. Well over time I have noticed a few courses college students run away from. Here they are:

  •  Math Programs
  • Engineering
  • Natural Science Programs
  •  STEM Majors
  • Education
  • Humanities Programs
  • General Studies

These programs are not in any way poor choices to pursue. They simply are some choice courses college students, opt out of within their first year in school. Therefore, it is essential to choose your alternative course of study carefully.

What to do if You Want to Change Your Course of Study

Every school has a way of dealing with changing your course of study. The first step to take is to talk to an academic counselor to get understanding as to how your school handles this.

The counselor can also let you know if there are extra credit hours or potential delays you may likely face because of this decision.

However, changing your major or course of study may mean spending more time in school, which could require taking out additional money for your education.

Before you make this decision, make sure to research and get answers to your questions.

When you are deciding to change your course, think about what is best for you.

How to Choose a Good Course of Study

When you choose what you want to major in, it means picking an academic direction, and that decision comes with a lot of other factors.

What you study, the professors you learn from, and the classmates who share you get to study with, this plays a big role in how you go through your academic journey and prepare for a career or further education.

However,, it is important that you find joy in what you are studying, but you should also think very well.

Also, consider these questions when trying to make a decision on what course you want to study. Do you have a natural talent or a strong interest in a specific field? What career opportunities or further education can you pursue once you finish your degree?

Things to Consider When Choosing a Course to Study

Here are some important areas of concern and consideration in making a choice of what to study in college.

How Can I Create a Career From This Course of Study?

A helpful approach to choosing a good course of study, is to select a major that has the prospects of fetching you a good job after graduation.

Apart from the potential need for further education like graduate school, you should also think about your chances of securing employment in the professional job market upon completing your program.

Will you be able to find a job in your current location, or might you need to move elsewhere?

Will You Want to Attend Post Grad School?

Your need for graduate school can vary depending on your choice course of study and future career path.

Going to graduate school can provide you an opportunity to enhance and sharpen your current skills and acquire more expertise in a specific field.

Moreover, it acts as a credential that can make you more noticeable and unique in a highly competitive job market.

However, if you are not interested in pursuing further education after your undergraduate program, it is important to pick a course of study or major and career path that will not require an advanced degree.

Does What you Earn Matter to you?

There is so much information out there on earning potential and salaries for working professionals across industries.

BLS and PayScale, but to name a few, can help you do some quick research on common salary ranges by careers and locations.

Therefore, if you are looking to make some serious money after you graduate, your best course of action is to choose a career path that typically comes with a big salary and other incentives.

How Interested are you in the Course of Study?

It is okay if you are not sure whether a specific academic subject is the perfect fit for you at the moment.

However, it is necessary to have a substantial level of interest in that academic area, even if you do not have all the details about it at the moment.

This is because you will be investing long hours daily to this subject, having a desire to explore and a sincere curiosity about your chosen area is important.

Do you Have any Talent That can Help you Enjoy the Course of Study?

You might be very tech-savvy, excel in computer skills, have exceptional design abilities, or be a remarkable musician.

Regardless of your talents, having some natural capacity or aptitude in your chosen field is really helpful and beneficial.

This is likely to make your undergraduate journey more enjoyable and less like you are starting all over again. It will help you combat indecision and discouragements along the line.


To find the right course of study in college, you have to combine your interests, skills, and some curiosity to achieve good success. You definitely will not know it all at the beginning, but having a real passion for your chosen field can make your journey more enjoyable.

Additionally, when you start this academic journey, remember that your choice of course, can affect your future career and opportunities. Whether you want more education or a job right away, your commitment to understanding your field will help you succeed.

College is a time to grow, discover yourself, and improve your skills. No matter your choice, your dedication to the journey defines your college experience and prepares you for the future.

So, make a smart choice, follow your passion, and welcome the opportunities ahead. Through dedication, discipline and commitment, you will reach your full potential and do well in your chosen path.

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