Why should the Human Resource Profession have Technology Skills

The Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) says that human resource professionals must know four tech skills by this year.

This is important because HR persons now have a big job, they need to use tech for hiring new people or figuring out the best ways to teach current employees new skills.

Some HR professionals do not have these tech skills yet, even though they are crucial because tech is growing.

Human Resource Professionals need these 4 skills

Ability to analyze and present data using technology 

In Human Resource, Liana Passantino, a leader at Gartner, says understanding data is super important. HR persons should be good at looking at, understanding, and talking about data, even if they are not tech experts.

But, many employees lack tech skills. Gartner found only 11% of learning experts think employees have the right skills for the future and 64% of managers doubt their teams can meet future skill needs.

Bogdan Apostol, CEO of Nestor, says everyone in Human Resource needs to get good at understanding and explaining data, not just certain roles. It is a crucial skill for almost all employees now.

Using Generative AI, Social Media, and others

Apostol stresses how crucial it is for modern HR professionals to know their way around social media. He points out that being familiar with these platforms is key for recruitment and branding efforts.

HR professionals must handle various technologies, including workforce analytics, talent management systems, learning tools, AI, and social media. Even though social media might not seem super techy, Human Resource persons can use it smartly to find and engage potential hires. This might mean needing skills in SEO and digital ads.

Passantino adds another important tech skill often overlooked knowing how to keep data safe and private. Since HR deals with a lot of personal info, understanding data privacy and security is really important.

Identifying tech competencies when hiring 

Tom Wilson, the president at Frederickson (a Gallagher Company), points out how important technology is for every HR job. He says candidates need to show how they use tech to make their work better and help the company do well to be top candidates.

He also says HR leaders should have a good track record of using HR tech, mistakes here can really set a company back. Wilson says it is important to be careful and plan well when implementing HR tech to save time and money.

Whether hiring for high-level or entry-level HR jobs, it is crucial to check tech skills to move the HR function and the company forward.

Bogdan Apostol suggests testing candidates’ skills during recruitment. He says it is important to focus on real work situations where candidates show how they used specific tools to solve problems, speed up processes, or make workflows better. This way, it is a practical way to check candidates tech skills without making general assumptions.

Up-skilling and re-skilling

Efforts to improve tech skills, known as upskilling and reskilling, are tackling gaps by finding employees with similar skills, encouraging them to move between different roles, and setting up internal talent markets.

But, not all HR departments use technology the same way, ranging from advanced chatbot use to basic spreadsheet sharing, it is important to check what tech is being used now and what will be needed in the future.

Forward-thinking companies focus on teaching employees new skills and see automation as a chance to do that. However, they might train shared services staff in user experience and design or figure out when to use process automation.

Human Resource leaders should try out new tech while also making sure data is kept private and launching programs that work across different parts of the company.

Even though tech is more and more important, building connections between people is still key in HR. Professionals need to find the right balance between using technology and having a personal touch.


Therefore, mastering essential tech skills is imperative for HR professionals this year. The highlighted competencies, ranging from data literacy to social media proficiency, underscore the tech-centric evolution of HR functions. As the workforce landscape transforms, embracing these skills positions HR experts to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, ensuring their continued effectiveness in driving organizational success.

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