How to use ChatGPT from Apple Mac’s Menu bar using MacGPT

ChatGPT is currently one of the trending things in the world of tech today that is why its being incorporated to MacGPT menu bar. You may have already used it on the web, but accessing it involves opening a browser and visiting

This can take some time before you can interact with the bot. Fortunately, there’s a nifty tool called MacGPT that lets you access ChatGPT right from your Mac’s menu bar.

How to Download MacGPT for Mac Computer

To download MacGPT, simply head to and get the file, which will be downloaded as a zip file.

Install MacGPT to the Mac Tool Bar

MenuGPT download and setting

1. Once you have the file, double-click and decompress the zip file to get the APP file. Double-click on it to open the app, or search for MacGPT on Spotlight.

2. You can either access ChatGPT’s web interface within the MacGPT window or use it as a native app. To use it as a native app, you need to give the app your ChatGPT account’s API key.

  • If you aren’t registered or logged in to ChatGPT already, make sure to do that first. Then, go to the OpenAI Account Settings page to get your API key.

3. Click on “Create New API Key” and copy the newly generated key.

4. Enter this key into the designated box inside the MacGPT.

5. Once you have entered your API key, you should be able to prompt ChatGPT with any of your questions or task requests.

Prompt MenuGPT with ChatGPT with any of your questions or task request

Keep in mind that ChatGPT doesn’t always respond immediately and you may receive a “request timed out” message. If this happens, try asking or requesting again.

That’s it! You can now access ChatGPT quickly and easily by clicking on the ChatGPT logo on your Mac’s menu bar. It’s a handy tool to have, especially if you use ChatGPT frequently.

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  • MacGPT is free.
  • You can use ChatGPT from Mac’s menu bar thanks to it.
  • Here’s how to download, install and use MacGPT.

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