How Many Credits do you Need to Graduate From High School in NY?

How many credits do students in NY high school need to graduate? The answer is simple, students in New York must earn a total of 44 credits across specific subject areas to graduate from high school.

This is the minimum as it is possible to score more. In this post, I will show you a breakdown of the scores. Keep reading!

However, subject-area requirements may differ depending on the type of diploma to be awarded or if the student receives an endorsement. Inquire with your school’s counselor for more information on credit requirements for your graduation.

Graduation Requirements in NY High School

As a student, you must earn specific course credits and pass your exams to earn a diploma in whatever course you choose to study.

However, if as a tutor, you think your student is not progressing toward graduation, please contact your school’s guidance counselor right away to get relevant help.

Getting a Diploma in NYC

In New York City public schools, students have the option to get three types of diplomas: a local diploma, a Regents diploma, or an advanced Regents diploma.

These diplomas are valid high school diplomas and you can use it to prove graduation or to qualify for post-high school programs such as college and military service.

To obtain any of these diplomas, you must meet certain requirements, which include earning specific course credits.

This ensures that students are fully ready to face their future endeavors in career and other phases after high school education.

Diploma Endorsements

Students also have the opportunity to earn endorsements in addition to their diplomas.

These endorsements serve as evidence that you as a student have successfully completed additional courses and exams in specific subject areas, further enhancing your academic achievements and qualifications.

Please ask your school about the specific requirements for the following endorsements:

  • Arts,
  • Seal of Biliteracy,
  • Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS),
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE),
  • Honors Designation,
  • Mastery in Math,
  • Mastery in Science,
  • Service Seal.

They will be able to provide you with details and more information on how to pursue these endorsements.

Commencement Credentials from High School

On the other hand, as a student, you can get two types of special certificates: one of such is the CDOS commencement credential and the other is the Skills and Achievement commencement credential.

These certifications show that you did something special, but they are not the same as a high school diploma.

If you get one of these certificates, you can keep going to school until you either get a higher school diploma or finish the school year when you are 21. This rule is in place to give students a chance to work towards a diploma while also getting extra credits for their achievements while in high school.

Minimum Exam Requirements

To graduate, you have to pass at least five Regents exams or any other State-approved alternatives to these exams.

The specific subjects you will need to take examinations in depend on the type of diploma you want to get and whether you are also pursuing an endorsement.

Every student has the chance to earn either a Regents diploma or an advanced Regents diploma respectively.

However, there are some exceptions to this. For instance, students with disabilities may be able to graduate with a local diploma if they achieve different scores in any of these exams.

Therefore, if you want to know more about the Regents exams, State-approved alternatives, or other options for students who meet all the special requirements, do well to reach out to your school counselor. They will definitely provide you with more details to guide you appropriately.

 Call-to-Action for High School Students

The state of New York requires all students to complete a minimum of twenty-two credits, two of which are earned by taking a 12 credit of Physical Education each year of high school.

In New York State, the following credit units of is the standard requirement for you to graduate:

  • 4 credits in English
  • 3 credits in mathematics
  • 3 credits in sciences
  • 4 credits in Social Studies
  • 1 credit in World Language (LOTE).
  • 12 credit for health
  • 1 credit in art/music
  • 2 credits in Physical Education
  • 3 12 credits in electives.


Finally, when you know how many credits you need to graduate from a New York high school it is very important as it will help you put in your best.

Whether or not you are going for a local diploma, a Regents diploma, or an advanced Regents diploma, these credits will define your high school experience.

However, work closely with your school counselor to meet these requirements and make attempts at getting extras like endorsements and special certificates. With good guidance and hard work, you can graduate high school and open doors to a bright future.

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