First Viewers on Twitch: How to get Your First Viewers and Tips for Being in a Twitch Community

Getting your first viewers on Twitch involves a few steps. As Twitch gains popularity as one of the most sought-after streaming platforms, it is a great place to showcase your talents, whether it is crafting, playing video games, or sharing your daily life.

Twitch is home to millions of streamers and broadcasters, but not all of them manage to gather viewers. Among these numerous broadcasters, there are those who are still working to capture their first audience member.

Despite spending months on the platform, some broadcasters on Twitch are still in the process of drawing in their initial viewers to their channels.

For streamers, the challenge of being discovered on Twitch is a significant concern. It is often observed that those streamers who already possess a substantial number of followers tend to accumulate more views on Twitch.

When you are just starting out, your initial viewers can come from your family and close friends. However, it is important to note that this does not guarantee their ongoing presence, as they might not be consistent viewers in the long run.

As a streamer, getting views can be very pressurizing. How then do you attract and retain viewers on Twitch?

Table of Contents

  • Ways to get your first viewers on Twitch
  • Tips for being in a Twitch Community

Ways to get Your First Viewers on Twitch

Below are some ways to get viewers to your stream.

Create a YouTube Channel

YouTube is a considerably larger streaming platform that draws in a substantial number of viewers compared to Twitch. A reliable approach to gaining viewers is to tap into YouTube’s audience and direct them to your Twitch channel to stream your content.

You can get gaming enthusiasts from YouTube by using the latest but not popular games to attract them. Especially ones with just a few videos on YouTube about them.

Once you have chosen the game, focus on streaming high-quality videos of yourself playing it. You can also consider creating separate videos that outline the game’s procedures or provide tips for playing and achieving success in the game.

By doing so, you enhance the overall appeal of your content and offer viewers both engaging gameplay and valuable insights.

Once this is done, upload the video. Do not forget to give it a title. Ensure the title carries the name of the game and also the terms specific to that game.

To guide viewers towards your Twitch channel, make sure to include links to your Twitch account and your social media profiles.

Additionally, consider mentioning your Twitch username within your videos and encourage viewers to visit your Twitch channel for live gaming experiences.

This seamless integration of information and invitations can help bridge the gap between your content on YouTube and your Twitch channel.

An alternative approach is to prominently display your Twitch username within your video and let viewers know they can catch your live gaming sessions on your Twitch channel.

Remember, the higher your YouTube views, the greater the chance of attracting viewers to your Twitch channel. Consistently producing more videos will contribute to boosting views on both your YouTube content and your Twitch channel.

Utilize Your Social Media Account

Twitch streamers often leverage social media platforms to attract viewers to their Twitch channels.

To utilize your Social media accounts, promote yourself on the platforms.

Nevertheless, having a social media presence does not guarantee an automatic stream of viewers to your channel. Actively interacting with your followers on your social media platforms is an important step in encouraging them to check out your content on Twitch.

Engaging with others involves using hashtags and participating in trending discussions. It is important to actively interact by commenting on chats, joining conversations, sharing your perspectives on various topics, and being part of the ongoing dialogue.

This way, you can get these people to follow you on Twitch and view your content.

Comment on Other Twitch Streams

Taking part in discussions on other Twitch channels provides you with the opportunity to engage with fellow broadcasters. Aim for streams that have a substantial following and actively participate there.

By doing so, you can capture the interest of other viewers and potentially intrigue them enough to take a look at your own content.

Your active engagement and communication will encourage others to take a look at your profile. By interacting with fellow streamers and viewers, you will showcase what you have to offer, sparking their interest and potentially cultivating an audience who anticipates viewing more of your content.

As you comment on other streams, maintain a neutral and friendly tone, refraining from using curses or offensive language. Your comments should leave a positive impression, prompting other streamers to be intrigued and possibly visit your channel.

Use Twitch Communities

As a streamer, you can utilize Twitch communities to get viewers quickly. Twitch communities are essential networking tools.

Expanding your followers and viewers largely depends on your interactions. Building and nurturing relationships within the community can lead to the growth of loyal followers and consistent viewership.

The ultimate goal is to gain recognition within these communities, which in turn will prompt viewers to look into your channel. Once this reputation is established, leverage it by organizing events on your stream to further engage your audience.

Make Your Streams Search Engine Friendly

A significant number of viewers access the Twitch website directly by entering the URL in their browser. Alternatively, they utilize search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing to locate the URL and navigate to the Twitch platform.

Ensure your Twitch streams search engine is friendly. This enables viewers to find it easily on their browser.

The most effective method to accomplish this is to widely distribute your stream information, including your stream name and URL, across the internet. Share your URL on various online platforms and social media channels.

The goal is to enhance its visibility by promoting it extensively across different channels.

Such a strategy allows search engines to identify your URL and index it. If people can see you on Google, following you on Twitch is a step away.

Stream Contents With Viewers’ Interest

Competition is prevalent across streaming platforms, including Twitch. The level of competition can be quite intense, making it challenging to attract viewers to your stream.

You attract and retain viewers in your channel with the kind of content you broadcast.

Remember, your stream is crafted for your audience, not solely for your preferences. Focus on content that aligns with what people are interested in, rather than just your personal preferences.

For instance, consider featuring trending video games that are popular among viewers, rather than solely showcasing a game you personally enjoy.

Stream games you can easily spend hours playing. It should have the right intensity to attract viewers. Always pay attention to people’s interests.

Stream in Another Language

Twitch reaches beyond English-speaking nations, meaning there are users who might not understand or speak the language typically used on the platform.

Streaming in a different language can offer you a notable advantage as a streamer, as this territory might not be saturated yet. By doing so, you could position yourself among the top-ranked streamers within that language’s category.

You can also opt to mix this second language with English during your streams, or you can establish a schedule where you alternate between English and the other language on specific days.

This way, your viewership won’t be confined to just one group of people. However, focusing on one language specifically can draw a larger audience from that particular language group to your stream.

As a streamer, do not just go straight into broadcasting. I know you are so excited about getting your content out there. Relax, sit down and map out a plan.

Before you start streaming, it is important to ask yourself what you want to stream about, how you plan to attract followers, and how long you intend to stream for.

These are just a few of the questions you should consider as you plan your streaming journey. Developing a clear plan is important to ensure a successful and engaging streaming experience.

You should also plan how you want to get viewers to view your content. That is, which of the above strategies are you employing?

A plan will help you in marketing your channel properly and also know who to work with in growing your channel.

Tips for Being in a Twitch Community

  • Look at who else is active in the Community, why not join their chat and become friends?
  • You can host them after your stream, or set them as auto hosts within your settings
  • You could even be sneaky and raid them during your streams
  • Do they have a Discord channel that you can join and interact with?
  • Follow their Twitter, fellow community members, and engage with them


As a Streamer, how Many Communities can I Participate in?

To effectively engage the audience that aligns with your content, it is recommended to focus on streaming to one Community at a time. Keep in mind that you are limit to adding a maximum of three communities on Twitch.

What Happens to the Games Directory and Creative Directory?

They are not going away! Communities are a separate, more targeted way to discover new broadcasts and stream to the most relevant audience.

Why are Some Translations Missing in my Local Language?

In Twitch’s initial launch of the Communities beta, they do not have full support for non-English language Communities. They are working to change this, and translations will become available as soon as possible.

Why Can’t I Select a Community Name That Uses non-English Characters? And why Can’t I Filter the List of Communities by Language?

In Twitch’s initial launch of the Communities beta, they do not have full support for non-English language Communities. Twitch is working to change this, and they will support both non-English characters in Community titles and language filtering options as soon as they can.

How can I Find Communities in the Twitch Mobile Apps?

Currently, Twitch does not support Communities in their mobile apps. Twitch plans to do so soon.

How is Twitch Planning to Handle Communities That Violate our Terms of Service?

Communities must strictly adhere to Twitch Terms of Service and Community Guidelines without exception. As Communities evolves, Twitch looks into whether they need to expand its moderation tools.

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