FBI’s Cybersecurity Strategy to Fight Cyber Crime impose costs on Adversaries

Malicious cyber activities pose serious threats to public safety, national security, and our economic well-being. The FBI’s cybersecurity strategy centers on imposing risks and consequences on cyber criminals.

The aim is to alter the behavior of criminals and nation-states who believe they can compromise U.S. networks, steal financial and intellectual assets, and jeopardize online infrastructure without facing the consequences.

To achieve this objective, the FBI leverages its unique combination of authorities, capabilities, and collaborative partnerships to exact consequences on cyber adversaries.

As the primary federal agency responsible for investigating cyber attacks and intrusions, the FBI plays a pivotal role in collecting and sharing intelligence, assisting victims, and uncovering the identities of those engaged in malicious cyber activities, regardless of their global location.

You can take steps to protect yourself from cybercriminals, report cybercrimes, and stay informed about the FBI’s ongoing efforts to combat the continually evolving cyber threats. It will be good to stay vigilant in the face of these threats and collaborate with law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety and security of internet environment.

The Cyber Threat is a Complex and Global Concern

Online scammers actively look opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities within the intelligence and information of security networks. The FBI says that they are fully committed to collaborating with other federal partners, international allies, and the private sector to identify and address these vulnerabilities.

These partnerships are instrumental in the FBI’s efforts to defend networks, attribute malicious activities, impose consequences on bad actors, and confront fraudstars on the global stage. The FBI promotes this collaborative approach through specialized hubs, where government, industry, and academia establish enduring and trustworthy relationships to collectively fight cyber threats.

Within the government framework, the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF) serves as this hub. The FBI leads this task force, which comprises more than 30 co-located agencies from both the Intelligence Community and law enforcement.

The NCIJTF is structured around mission centers dedicated to key cyber threat areas and overseen by senior executives from partner agencies. These mission centers enable the integration of operations and intelligence, resulting in a coordinated and potent response to adversaries threatening U.S. interests.

It is only through these collaborative efforts that we can ensure the safety, security, and trustworthiness of the world.

Related: How Criminals Carry Out BEC Scams and How to Protect Yourself.

How FBI Works

The FBI is dedicated to staying at the forefront of the fight against the ever-evolving cyber threat, employing various strategies and resources to address this challenge effectively.

  1. Specialized Cyber Squads: The FBI has established specially trained cyber squads in all of its 56 field offices. These squads work closely with partners in interagency task forces to investigate cybercrimes and bolster cybersecurity.
  2. Rapid-Response Cyber Action Team: The FBI maintains a Cyber Action Team capable of rapid deployment across the country within hours. This team is equipped to respond swiftly to major cyber incidents, ensuring an immediate and coordinated response.
  3. Global Collaboration: The FBI’s network includes cyber assistant legal attachés stationed in embassies worldwide. These attachés collaborate closely with international counterparts to pursue justice for victims affected by malicious cyber activities, enhancing global cybersecurity efforts.
  4. Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): The IC3 serves as a central hub for collecting reports of internet-related crimes from the public. Leveraging these complaints, the IC3’s Recovery Asset Team has successfully frozen substantial sums of money to benefit victims of cybercrimes.
  5. CyWatch Operations Center: The FBI operates CyWatch, a 24/7 operations center and watch floor. This center provides continuous support to monitor and track cyber incidents while facilitating communication with field offices nationwide, ensuring a coordinated response to emerging cyber threats.

Through these multifaceted initiatives, the FBI remains agile and proactive in addressing cyber threats and working towards a safer digital landscape.

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What You Should Know

Protect Yourself

Ensuring your cybersecurity and maintaining vigilance while connected are essential steps to thwarting cyber intrusions and online criminal activities. Acquire the knowledge needed to safeguard your computer, network, and personal data effectively.

Understand Common Crimes and Risks Online

BEC scams take advantage of heavy reliance on email for various personal and professional purposes, constituting one of the most financially detrimental online crimes.

Identity theft occurs when an individual pilfers your personal data, such as your Social Security number, to engage in theft or fraudulent activities.

Ransomware represents a form of malicious software (malware) that blocks your access to computer files, systems, or networks, demanding a ransom for their release.

Spoofing and phishing schemes are designed to deceive you into divulging sensitive information to fraudsters.

Online predators pose an increasing danger to young individuals. Additionally, various other common crimes and scams exist online.

Respond and Report to FBI

File a Report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center

If you find yourself a victim of online or internet-related crimes, it’s crucial to file a report promptly with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). These crime reports play a vital role in investigations and gathering intelligence. Quick reporting can also aid in the retrieval of lost funds. Just follow this Cybersecurity Strategy to stay safe. Now, to access further details, including tips and updates on ongoing crime trends, please visit ic3.gov.

Contact Your Local FBI Field Office

In case you or your organization falls victim to a network intrusion, data breach, or ransomware attack, it is imperative to get in touch with your nearest FBI field office or report the incident at tips.fbi.gov. This Cybersecurity Strategy helps the FBI to catch fraudulent people.

Cyber Safety Tips to Protect yourself

Preventing internet-enabled crimes and cyber intrusions is essential as these threats grow increasingly sophisticated. Use the Cybersecurity Strategy tips below to keep yourself and your computer safe.

Related: How to Prevent Fraud on Credit Card with Identity Theft Detection

However, here are some key steps to enhance your cybersecurity:

  • Regularly update systems and software, and install a reputable antivirus program.
  • Exercise caution when using public Wi-Fi networks, especially for sensitive transactions.
  • Create strong, unique passphrases for each online account and update them regularly.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication where possible for added security.
  • Scrutinize email addresses and website URLs before responding or clicking on links.
  • Avoid clicking on unsolicited emails or texts.
  • Be mindful of the information you share on online profiles and social media, as it can aid scammers in guessing passwords or security question answers.
  • Refrain from sending payments to unknown individuals or organizations that pressure you for immediate action and financial support.

Do not forget that the FBI’s Cybersecurity Strategy to Fight the Risks and Consequences on Cyber Crime depend on you reporting it. The FBI’s plan for dealing with cyber threats is to make it difficult and costly for those who try to attack us online. We have special powers, strong skills, and good friends that help us do this.

Helpful Guides and Cybersecurity Strategy to Keep you Safe

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