Current AWS Interview Questions for Advanced Level for Experts

AWS Interview Questions – Advanced Level. Below are the Current Advanced AWS Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals.

If you missed the previous post about the AWS Basic Interview Questions & Answers, then view it before you continue reading.

AWS Interview Questions for Intermediate Level (2years Experience Job)

46. Is the property of broadcast or multicast supported by Amazon VPC?  

No, at present, Amazon VPC is not supporting any multicast or broadcast. 

47. How many IP addresses are allowed for each account in AWS?

For each AWS account, 5 VPC elastic addresses are allowed. 

48. What is meant by Edge location?

The actual content is cached at the places called edge locations. So whenever a user searches for the content, he will find the same at the edge locations. 

49. What is Snowball?  

Snowball is an option available in AWS to transport. Using snowball, one can transfer the data into AWS and out of it. It helps us in transporting massive amounts of data from one destination to another. It helps in lowering the networking expenditure.  

50. Explain the advantages of auto-scaling? 

Below listed are the advantages of autoscaling. 

  • Better availability 
  • Better cost management 
  • High fault-tolerant 

51. What is a Subnet? 

When a large amount of IP addresses are divided into small chunks, then these tiny chunks are called Subnets. 

52. What is the number of subnets that we can have per VPC?  

Under one VPC, we can have 200 subnets.  

53. What is AWS CloudTrail? 

AWS Cloudtrail is an AWS service that helps you to enable governance, risk auditing, and compliance of your AWS account. Cloud trail records events when actions are taken by the role, user, or an AWS service. Events include when actions are taken by AWS command-line interface, AWS management console, APIs, and AWS SDKs.  

54. What is meant by Elasticache?

Elasticache is a web service that makes the path easier to deploy and store the data in the cloud easily.  

55. Explain AWS Lambda.

AWS Lambda is a computational service that enables you to run code without maintaining any servers. It automatically executes the code whenever needed. You are required to pay for the time that you have used it for. Lambda enables you to run the code virtually for any kind of application without managing any servers.  

56. What is Geo Restriction in CloudFront?

It is an important feature available in AWS which helps you in preventing the users from accessing the content from specific regions. CloudFront is useful for distributing the content only to desired locations. 

57. What is Amazon EMR?

Amazon EMR is a survived cluster stage and it helps you to create data structures before the intimation. Big data technologies such as Apache Hadoop and Spark are the tools that enable you to investigate a large amount of data. You can use the data for making analytical goals by using the apache hive and other relevant open source technologies.      

58. What is the actual boot time taken to instance stored-backend AMI? 

It takes less than 5 minutes to store the instance-backed AMI. 

59. Explain the essential features of the Amazon cloud search. 

Below listed are the essential features of Amazon cloud search.  

  • Prefixes Searches 
  • Enter text search 
  • Boolean searches
  • Range searches 
  • Autocomplete Advice   

60. Give a few examples of DB engines that are used in AWS RDS. 

Following are a few examples of DB engines that are used in AWS RDS: 

  • MariaDB 
  • OracleDB
  • Postgre DB

61. What is the security group? 

In AWS the in and out traffic to instances is controlled with virtual firewalls which are known as Security groups. Security groups allow you to control traffic based on various aspects such as protocol, port, and source destination.      

62. What is the difference between block storage and file storage? 

Block Storage: it functions at a lower level and manages the data asset of blocks. 

File Storage: The file storage operates at a higher level or operational level and manages data in the form of files and folders.    

63. Explain the types of Routing policies available in Amazon route S3. 

  • Latency-based 
  • Weighted 
  • Failover 
  • Simple 
  • Geolocation  

64. List the default tables that we get when we create AWS VPC. 

  • Network ACL 
  • Security group 
  • Route table 

65. List the different ways to access AWS.

We have three different ways to access AWS, such as: 

  • Console 
  • SDK
  • CLI  

66. What are the EBS volumes? 

The EBS is the abbreviation for Elastic Block Stores. These blocks act as a persistent volume that can be attached to the instances. The EBS volumes will store the data even if you stop the instances. 

67. How can you control the security of your VPC?

You can use security groups, network access controls (ACLs), and flow logs to control your VPC security.


We hope that this set of AWS interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced professionals will help you in preparing for your interviews. We tried to cover all the questions.

If you find any related question that is not present here, please share that in the comment section and we will add it at the earliest.

If you know all these questions and answers on this page, be sure to pass any interview and secure a Tech Job. In our next post, we will look at the AWS interview questions for advanced class and professionals. Lastly, we urge you to subscribe to our updates for more.

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