7 Interview Mistakes that chases Key IT Employees Away

These are the 7 interview mistakes / errors that cost you key IT hires. A substandard interview process is a big reason why work offers are turned down by IT pros. Here’s how the recruitment team can undermine their chances of landing top talent in a tight market. We will look at the seven Biggest Job Interview Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them).

If you were to call Sherlock Holmes to help you figure out why your fair offer was rejected by the top tech talent you interviewed, he could call your mystery prevalent. But the killer is not the mercurial nature of applicants, a failure to teach, or something beyond the room where the interviews occur, as you would imagine. It is more likely that your own efforts are unwittingly compromised by your method or staff.

7 interview mistakes that cost you key IT hires.

“The candidates are blamed by people, but the interview process is the primary reason why people turn down jobs,” says Barbara Bruno, author of High-Tech High-Touch Recruiting: How to Attract and Retain the Best Talent by Improving the Candidate Experience.

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It may be the questions you pose, the people who ask the questions, or a host of other errors that telegraph a hidden message to pass along with candidates.

I asked potential employers, recruiters, and talent managers what, in particular, recruitment agencies are doing to cost them the main hires they want so badly.

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You’re fishing with the wrong bait

Since they reacted to your job description, applicants end up in your interview room. Your bait is that. The lure you use has a great deal to do with what you catch, as with actual fishing. You might want to verify that the right people and priorities are being targeted.

Right now, there seems to be a major gap between conventional job qualifications, which are a laundry list of skills, and how applicants will be assessed on the job,” says Bruno.”

Bruno proposes to ditch the laundry list and take a hard look at what your team needs in this position instead. I still ask employers,’ Can you give me five targets for performance? ‘or’ How will the nominee be tested in six months’ time? ” Says Bruno.

She finds recruiting teams realize that much of their “must have” list will not be needed in the role until they are forced to answer certain questions. Worse even? There are several more qualities that are not in the job description, such as the ability to prioritize, solve problems, connect, and ask for assistance, but that someone who wishes to excel in the position would need to possess.

Step back from your shopping list and think about what success will look like in the role instead. Then come up with talents and insights that will really assist.

You have unreasonable aspirations

You’re looking for someone who doesn’t exist? You could have walked into your interview room with your perfect team and you didn’t remember them. This is prevalent. Recruiters, in truth, call this mentality the hunt for a “purple squirrel.” You are not realistic.

“In our interview process, we turned people away,” admits Jamie Coakley, VP of People at Electric, the IT support company. I asked my talent management team, ‘Why did so many people get interviewed, but this place is still open?’ Months have gone! ’”

She found out that the recruitment committee was searching for someone who did not exist, who could not exist.

She says, “We began to dig in and realized we were looking for perfection.” We asked applicants in the technical interview to do what they will do on the job, which is challenging and they are not familiar with because they don’t work here. We dismissed them because they couldn’t do it. It would have been a perfect match for all of those candidates.

Are your a Creative Solver?

The team reconsidered the goals of the job after Electric recognized the issue, what a new recruit might reasonably be expected to know, and what skills the team cared most about gaining. Then they came up with a new set of abilities that was theoretically much shorter and much less specific: “Are you a creative problem solver?” “Explains Coakley.

Have you the potential to learn new things? In the way that you solve the dilemma, are you constructive and curious? Did you show these characteristics in previous rolls? ”

In order to determine how well the applicants can work with the team, they now do a community project.

The team searches for attributes instead of answers to technical issues, most of which can be learned: “How do you interact with us while you solve it?” “Coakley says. “Did you come up with a clever solution? ”

You make all of it about you

In their next job, IT folks do not want to keep doing the same thing they’re doing right now,” explains Bruno.” “Not for more capital, either. They want to change and become more marketable with their skill sets.

As such, if your screening process is solely based on the abilities your applicants already have, you will create the impression that there is no space for improvement, that you are just looking for someone to do what they are already doing.

You may be able to interview someone who has all the skills you are looking for and make a bid. If that person is not thrilled, don’t be surprised. The biggest mistake I see is that no one takes any attempt to find out what’s most important to the candidate,” says Bruno, “the entire interview is slanted towards the work.

You can easily solve this by incorporating questions in the interview process that explore what applicants are looking for and take the time to ask them. Bruno says, “You have to ask questions designed to uncover what is important to them.”

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years”

The classic issue of “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” is a vague attempt intended to do so. “But you have to break this down into percentages,” Bruno says. What is the percentage of the time you do what you do now? In the future, what percentage of time do you want to do those stuff? ”

There is a reason why you are being interviewed by this candidate. What the explanation is, find out. “Try asking, “‘What would you do if you could change 5 things about your current job? ” Bruno says. “That reveals the absolute reason for this individual to speak to you.”

Your recruitment team is less reverent than you thought.

“They are also highly sought after if a candidate is legitimate,” says James Durago, Google’s recruitment manager. And most firms, major players anyway, offer much the same thing. Too much of the judgment of a nominee rests with,’ How is my experience in the interview process? ’”

The interview is most probably the only look an applicant can get inside the business before they have to decide where to work. A microcosm of the company culture is the staff, the room they see in a Zoom call, the site tour, and the way the interviews unfold, and most possibly the only one this key recruit will encounter. Does it reflect who you truly are?

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“The interview is your only chance most of the time to make an impression of your corporate culture and what your people are like to work with,” Durago says.

Is this method of interview accommodating, polite and considerate of the applicants? Will it give the impression that somewhere they will want to turn up to every day is your workplace? It’s necessary here. And several methods for interviews get it wrong.

“We were able to get this candidate a couple of years ago, a niche individual with a unique skill set,” says Durago. “He was talking to all the major players, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and he told me quite literally that the reason he came to Google was because what I felt was basic etiquette was given by the recruiters and hiring managers.”

It’s surprisingly easy, but it often goes undone. When they said they were going to, they called him, held appointments, and reacted to emails. They’ve been polite. “If I say I’m going to reach out to you in a few days,” Durago says, “I’m actually going to do that.”

Your recruitment team is not like the people you’re trying to attract.

In IT, diversity is a hot question. If you are trying to diversify your team and are disappointed that your job opportunities are being passed on by women and people of color you want to recruit, shine a mirror in the room. Does the space look the same as the team you’re trying to build?

We were trying to build early recruitment processes that were reproducible and put a lot of the principles we cared about in the engineering team we were hoping to create,” explains Alloy CTO Charles Hearn.” When you need staff urgently, the best thing to do is get the easiest people to recruit.

And young white men are the easiest people to get work in engineering. It’s tempting to say, “Hire!” when you’re busy in a start-up point. We’re going to address our diversity issue later.”

But that ensures that the people doing the recruiting will later present a business that is made up of young white men to prospective applicants. “It’s really hard to bounce back from that,” says Hearn. We had occasions when the business became less diverse and it became a prophecy of self-fulfillment. If you don’t have people of color and women in interviews, it’s difficult to recruit those people to the organisation”.

You move too slowly, too slowly!

Alloy employs an outside firm to conduct some of its tests as part of its mission to get prejudice out of its recruiting process as far as possible. “We have our technical screens made by Byteboard to compensate for changing conditions that can lead to bias creeping in,” says Hearn.

This is vital to the organization because by making the identity of the appraisal taker blind to the recruiting team, it helps keep prejudice out of this crucial aspect of talent acquisition. ‘Questions are referred to the applicant and graded to the rest of the application without affiliation,’ he states.

And this, they have discovered, is losing candidates. “The problem is it takes a long time,” says Hearn “The candidate has to find time to do the assessment and then Byteboard takes two days to grade it.”

Key applicants have already taken up another position by the time that all is finished and an offer is prepared.

According to Bruno, this is normal. “Recruitment has to happen more quickly,” she says. “However, you should always be cautious. “You can do a very thorough interview.” But she suggests that a panel interview be performed. “Candidates get upset when two, three, or four people interview them and ask the same questions over and over again.”

“Timing is important,” she says. If there are delays or the interview process takes longer than planned, this is perceived by candidates as a lack of interest. Share your target date to complete your job and notify applicants when they will hear back during each phase of the interview process. This will keep the process of your interview going and keep you from losing talent.

You’re going too quickly

Of course, going too quickly is also possible. “Recruiters often pitch jobs to candidates in high-demand fields such as IT or engineering too quickly,” says Bruno.

Of course, moving too rapidly is also possible. “Recruiters often pitch vacancies too quickly in high-demand fields such as IT or engineering to candidates,” Bruno says.

“In order to complete the job, they just think you’re talking to as many people as you have to,” Durago agrees. Or that you are filling a quota to meet a management decree that you speak to a certain number of people, as Durago calls it, “in a row by filling seats.” This makes them realize like they’re not about the interview.

So, you may want to think about how they compensate the people doing the recruiting. One of the main metrics of success we have is: how many people are you talking to? “Says Durago. “There is always tension between understanding that I have to close these roles while also ensuring that I show leadership that I take all the steps I need.”

This does not matter in other periods, other work markets, and other fields. But when you recruit IT teams, it’s probably going to backfire. There is a strong demand for talented IT pros.

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In Conclusion

If your interviews are a series of you showing that this person satisfies any real and imagined need you have in a new recruit and then goes straight to an offer for yourself and your team, don’t be surprised if they pass. “They may agree to an interview, but they often end up turning the job down because it is not their next logical career move,” Bruno explains.

The solution is to bring all aspects of the interview into a clearly specified procedure, complete with questions that answer the candidate’s position and needs, and ensure that you do not hurry or alter the process for certain applicants or positions.

‘Everyone wants to be on the same page,’ Durago says. “Interviewers, recruiting leaders and recruiters, all. On the Page of the Same. And that page needs to be specifically connected to how you deal with that applicant. We talked about 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Interviewing a Job Candidate in IT.

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